The 4th Internet of Things Global Summit
The 2016 Internet of Things Summit took place on October 6-7 in Washington, D.C. It brought together the key policy makers and leading IoT industry stakeholders to discuss the opportunities and benefits the IoT brings. It also examined the pressing issues affecting the IoT ecosystem in the United States and globally.
Over the course of the two days there was a number of plenary sessions that included room-wide discussions, as well as a series of exciting innovations on show from the local community and beyond. The summit provided an opportunity for all stakeholders to join a meaningful discussion and be part of a wider discussion that helps to shape future decisions made in the IoT space.
Speakers include
Computer Scientist, Secure Systems and Application Group
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Office of Policy and International Affairs, United States Patent & Trademark Office
Assistant Director, Division of Privacy and Identity Protection
Federal Trade Commission
Key Sessions Included:
- The role of the Government in fostering IoT
- IoT Connectivity
- A series of exciting ‘Tech Talks' from leading entrepreneurs
- Business model innovation
- IoT for Global Development
- Harnessing IoT by positive security measures
- Safeguarding privacy
For more information please visit the event website here.
Tue 10 October, 2017 08.30 to
Wed 11 October, 2017 17.00
The National Press Club
529 14th St NW,
Washington, DC 20045,
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