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Thank you to all who participated in the European Border Management, Defence, Internal Security and Migration Conference which took place on 20 June 2017 in Brussels.


Keynote Speeches and Presentations


Dimitris Avramopoulos, European Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs: Keynote Speech


A selection of photos from the day will shortly be available here.


Event Overview


The recent launch of the European Commission's Security Union Strategy, a new European Defence Action Plan and European Migration Package coupled to the 2016 Smart Borders Package highlight the growing importance of addressing the challenge of European security through proposing an integrated and innovative European-led response in the digital age.


This high-level conference was strategy and solution focused, analysing the impact digital technologies, innovation and effective leadership can have on implementing the Commission's initiatives across Europe whilst guaranteeing ongoing trust in European public authorities, meeting citizens’ expectations and ensuring that Europe continues to act in solidarity on all migration, security, public safety and defence challenges.

Speakers include

Dimitris Avramopoulos

Dimitris Avramopoulos

European Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs

Sir Julian King

Sir Julian King

European Commissioner for the Security Union

Andres Anvelt

Andres Anvelt

Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Estonia

Lowri Evans

Lowri Evans


DG GROW, European Commission

Fabrice Leggeri

Fabrice Leggeri

Executive Director

European Border and Coast Guard Agency

Rob Wainwright

Rob Wainwright



Krum Garkov

Krum Garkov

Executive Director


Rini Goos

Rini Goos

Deputy Chief Executive

European Defence Agency

Ger Daly

Ger Daly

Global Defense & Public Safety Senior Managing Director


Alexandra Jour-Schroeder

Alexandra Jour-Schroeder

Director for Criminal Justice

DG Justice, European Commission

James Canham

James Canham

Managing Director - Border Services


James Slessor

James Slessor

Managing Director - Public Safety


Antti Kolehmainen

Antti Kolehmainen

Managing Director - Global Defence


Olivier Onidi

Olivier Onidi

Deputy Director General

DG Home, European Commission

Jon Freeman

Jon Freeman

Research Group Director

RAND Europe

Who attended?



Key themes addressed included:


  1. Effective border management using digital technologies
  2. Building European defence capabilities through innovation
  3. Addressing public safety challenges through European collaboration
  4. Preserving European solidarity and meeting citizens' expectations


Further information


For more information on speaking, sponsorship and other visibility opportunities at the next edition of this conference, please contact Rose Maloney at / +44 (0) 2920 783 070.


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Tuesday 20 June, 2017
08.45 to 16.30




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Boulevard de Waterloo 23-24, Brussels, Belgium

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