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The European Spectrum Management Conference is the leading event of the year for spectrum stakeholders in Europe and beyond.


Taking place as part of Forum Europe’s Global Spectrum Series, this year's 12th edition of the conference once again brought together all the key stakeholders from policy, industry and more.


Speakers include

Roberto Viola

Roberto Viola

Director General

DG CONNECT, European Commission

Philip Marnick

Philip Marnick

Chair, Radio Spectrum Policy Group; & Group Director, Spectrum


Sebastien Soriano

Sebastien Soriano



Francois  Rancy

Francois Rancy

Director, BR


Julius Knapp

Julius Knapp

Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology


Gilles Bregant

Gilles Bregant

Director General


Andreas Geiss

Andreas Geiss

Head of Unit

Radio Spectrum Policy, European Commission

Pilar del Castillo

Pilar del Castillo

MEP, Rapporteur for the Telecoms Package

European Parliament

Carlota Reyners-Fontana

Carlota Reyners-Fontana

Deputy Head of Unit

Radio Spectrum Unit, European Commission

Eric Fournier

Eric Fournier

ECC Chairman


Simon Fell

Simon Fell

Director of Technology & Innovation


Y.-P. Eric Wang

Y.-P. Eric Wang

Senior Specialist

Ericsson Research

Javier Domínguez Lacasa

Javier Domínguez Lacasa

Head of Spectrum Policy


Steven Doiron

Steven Doiron

Chair of ITU Working Group


Gunnar  Hökmark

Gunnar Hökmark


European Parliament

More Information


Topics discussed at this year’s conference included:

• A detailed focus on spectrum for 5G, including pioneer bands and the 5G action plan; the requirements of different vertical markets; WRC-19; a licensing approach for 5G and more;

• The future of UHF spectrum and users in both the 700MHz and sub-700Mz bands;

• Delivering reliable PPDR networks in Europe;

Spectrum sharing - moving from trials to commercial deployment;

• Outcomes, lessons and implications for Europe of the Incentive Auction;

• Licensed vs Unlicensed Spectrum for IoT;

• Spectrum priorities under the new US administration.


Who attends

The 2017 edition brought together over 250 high-level speakers and delegates from the major stakeholders of the European and global spectrum communities, helping the European Spectrum Management Conference reaffirmed its status as the leading sector event in the Brussels calendar.


Contact Details

Should you require any additional information about this event, or next year's European Spectrum Management Conference, please contact Dan Craft on the following details +44 (0) 2920 783 021 or



Wed 21 June, 2017 09.00 to
Thu 22 June, 2017 17.00




Steigenberger Wiltcher's Hotel

71 Avenue Louise / Louizalaan 71 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Tel: +32 2 54242 42

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