Thank you to all those who attended the inaugural European Methanol Policy Forum on the 13 & 14 October in Brussels, hosted by the Methanol Institute.
Global growth for methanol demand is primarily driven by oil displacement. Several governments around the world have recognised the advantages of methanol as a clean burning, alternative fuel. With innovative pilot projects within the EU already underway, should Europe now expand its methanol use?
Speakers include
Policy Officer, Unit for Clean Transport & Sustainable Urban Mobility, Directorate C, DG MOVE
European Commission
Director, Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute
University of Southern California
Maritime Environment and Energy Systems, Department of Shipping and Marine Technology
Chalmers University of Technology
More Information
The 1st European Methanol Policy Forum invited experts from industry, government and academia to join the debate over whether methanol can provide solutions to some of the big environmental and energy challenges that Europe faces.
In the context of the Paris climate negotiations taking place towards the end of the year, the event discussed methanol’s potential contribution in the following areas:
• Reduction and utilisation of CO2
• Storage of intermittent energy supply
• Improvement of air quality
• Increase in supply of renewable energy
• Reduction in energy imports
• Acceleration of re-industrialisation and job creation
During the forum, speakers from around the globe shared their experiences and expertise on renewable methanol technologies, methanol fuel solutions and the policies required to enable a successful implementation of these solutions.
Should you wish to receive any details about this event, please do not hesitate to contact Rhian Morgan on or +44 (0) 2920 783 026.
Tue 13 October, 2015 08.30 to
Wed 14 October, 2015 17.00
Stanhope Hotel
Rue de Commerce 9,
B-1000 Brussels,