

This European conference will bring together the research, innovation and standardization communities to explore and discuss the role of standards in research and innovation.

Leading experts in innovation and standardization will present their experiences in linking the two worlds and how each one is benefitting from the other.


Thematic parallel sessions will allow more detailed insight into the various aspects of standardization as a bridge between research, innovation, and the market, and as a means of capturing and disseminating knowledge, supporting innovation.

Speakers include

Christian Reinaudo

Christian Reinaudo



Scott Steedman

Scott Steedman

Vice-President Policy of CEN and Director of Standards

British Standards Institution

Patrice Lefeu

Patrice Lefeu

Executive Director in charge of EU institutions for France, Luxembourg and Maghreb Countries

Ernst & Young

Christine Halliot

Christine Halliot

Vice President Innovation

TOTAL Marketing & Services

Thorsten Posselt

Thorsten Posselt


Fraunhofer MOEZ

Guðrún Rögnvaldardóttir

Guðrún Rögnvaldardóttir

Vice-President Technical of CEN and

Chairperson of the CEN Technical Board

Tomas Michel

Tomas Michel



Volker Stich

Volker Stich

Managing Director, Institute for Industrial Management

RWTH Aachen University

Clara de la Torre

Clara de la Torre

Director responsible for “Key Enabling Technologies”, Directorate-General for Research & Innovation

European Commission

Elena Santiago Cid

Elena Santiago Cid

Director General


To view the full list of speakers in the conference click here


Why attend ? To discuss :
• How do standards support innovation and competitiveness?
• How can standardization facilitate the dissemination of knowledge?
• How can standards bridge the gap between innovation and the market?
• How can standardization contribute to the success of Horizon 2020?



Thu 30 October, 2014 08.30 to
Wed 30 October, 2019 17.15




Brussels SQUARE

SQUARE - Brussels Meeting Centre
Glass Entrance
rue Mont des Arts
B-1000 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 515 13 22

Google location map



Forum Europe