EuroHealthNet Website

Conference Information

The EuroHealthNet Conference on Sustainable Societies: Health and Social Investment in the EU will take place on 7 June 2016.


The aim of this half-day event is to discuss and identify what we can do to achieve a more sustainable and healthier Europe for all EU citizens, regardless of their socio-economic background, gender or age. How can EU Member States and Regions innovate and legislate to ensure the wellbeing of future generations?


Join us to discuss whether the current UN and EU tools will be able to achieve a real change.


Registration Process


This event is free to attend for all delegates and is being hosted by the EU Committee of the Regions. 


Due to high demand however, and with only very limited space now available, we have had to introduce an application system for registration.


To submit your registration application to attend the event, please click here and enter your details. You will then be contacted by one of the event team to inform you whether your application has been successful. Thank you for your understanding.


More Information


Sustainable societies do better. EuroHealthNet research reinforces that universal, quality early childhood programmes that are responsive to need, promote better and more equal outcomes in childhood and in later life. Policies that help re-integrate vulnerable groups into the labour market generate important returns and should not be seen as a burden to public spending. Improvements in the quality of work, particularly for people in lower occupational groups, contribute to a significantly healthier and more productive Europe.


A lot of work has already been done at different levels: the UN Summit adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including 17 Sustainable Development Goals last year; WHO Europe published their European Health Report to monitor progress on Health 2020 targets; the European Semester process will potentially include a European Pillar of Social Rights; and the European Commission has put forward proposals to simplify the European Social Fund, and make the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) more accessible for social and health stakeholders.  


Yet societies face many challenges when it comes to becoming more sustainable, providing equal opportunities and improving well-being. Such complex challenges can only be overcome by working together and sharing our knowledge and experience to identify and implement what works.


Confirmed speakers include Dr Claudia Stein, WHO Europe, Director on Information and Innovation, Ms Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Ms Elena Andradas, Director General, Ministry of Health in Spain and high level speakers from the European Commission (DG EMPL and DG SANTE).


For the draft agenda, please click here




If you are interested in finding out more please contact Rita Fober at EuroHealthNet on +32 (0) 2 235 03 20.


If you have any logistical questions or experience any problems when registering, please contact Charlene Selmer - Head of Event Management Services - Forum Europe on +44 (0) 2920 783 071.





Tuesday 7 June, 2016
13.00 to 17.30




Committee of the Regions

Room VM1
2nd floor
VMA Building
2 rue Van Maerlant

Google location map



Conference Agenda