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*Please note that this conference has been postponed to Early 2017*


More information will be available soon, but in the meantime please contact Anne-Lise Simon on +44 (0) 2920 783 023 or email should you have any questions or to express interest in becoming involved.


More information


Digital technologies offer considerable opportunities for the renewal of the European industrial sector - a key pillar of the European economy – enabling manufacturers to enhance their performance, streamline processes and better compete in global markets.


As we enter a new era of manufacturing, in which machines, sensors, robots and humans are digitally connected with one another, strategic cooperation across Europe is arguably required to ensure that industries, particularly those deemed “traditional” and SMEs, are not left behind but are part of the modernisation agenda.


Which parts of the industrial sector are innovating their way to global competitiveness? What lessons can other parts of the economy learn from them? Is it necessary for all parts of the economy to make the digital transformation or is it wrong to assume that digital always leads to a streamlining of processes? To what extent will 5G and other technologies respond to the connectivity requirements for the digitisation of the industrial sector?


Ultimately, to what extent is the European industrial base prepared for the digital transformation, and is the EU regulatory framework sufficiently enabling?


For any further information or to discuss the speaking and sponsorship opportunities available at this event, please contact Anne-Lise Simon on / +44 (0) 2920 783 023






Thursday 16 June, 2016
08.30 to 15.00







Sponsorship brochure


Forum Europe