The 7th Annual Internet of Things European Summit took place in the Management Centre Europe in Brussels.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to our sponsors and partners for their input and support, as well as to all the speakers and delegates who took part and made the event a success.
Speakers include
United States Ambassador to the European Union
Head of Enterprise Regulation, Vodafone; and Chair
WG4, The Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation
- The importance of the Digital Single Market for the success of IoT – key policy considerations
- New revenue streams and business model innovations
- IoT in practice – a series of interactive 'Tech Talks'
- IoT connectivity
- Finding the right balance between data-driven innovation and the safeguarding of privacy
- Keeping hackers from the headlines: lessons from recent cyber incidents
More information
Over the past 12 months we have seen a maturing of the Internet of Things. The role of IoT technologies as well as consumer expectations, and policy thinking, is evolving rapidly, and as a result we are entering a new era for IoT.
More than ever, it is therefore important that businesses and policymakers take the necessary steps to ensure that Europe remains competitive with other regions around the world. In order to do this, the European IoT community must have a pro-IoT attitude by concentrating on the positive aspects of IoT and ensure that innovation is able to flourish, whilst also guaranteeing private data and the security of devices.
Since last year’s summit, we have seen a number of significant industry innovations, as well as some key policy decisions and strategies announced, including the launch of the Alliance of the Internet of Things Initiative (AIOTI) and a series of Large-Scale Pilots (LSPs), the Digital Single Market (DSM), as well as the interesting bandplan decisions from the recent World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15). This year's summit will examine the current policy efforts in the IoT space and will give particular attention to the above initiatives.
Participants of the 2016 conference learned more about the latest innovations and industry solutions and how they are benefiting businesses and individuals. Crucially, the summit also identifed the next steps and opportunities for Europe as we move into a new era for IoT in 2016.
Wed 18 May, 2016 08.30 to
Thu 19 May, 2016 15.15
Brussels, Belgium
Rue de l'Aqueduc 118,
1050 Ixelles,
Tel: +32 2 543 21 00