Global Spectrum Series 2014


The inaugural Latin America Spectrum Management Conference provided a meeting point for stakeholders in the Latin American region and beyond to come together and discuss topical issues relating to the management and co-ordination of spectrum policy across the region.


Clique aqui para ver o programa da conferência em português.


Haga clic aquí para ver el programa de la conferencia en español.

Speakers include

Joao Batista de Rezende

Joao Batista de Rezende


Anatel, Brazil

Clovis J Baptista Neto

Clovis J Baptista Neto

Executive Secretary

Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (CITEL)

Héctor Bude

Héctor Bude


CITEL Working Group for the Preparation for WRC-15

Maximiliano Salvadori Martinhão

Maximiliano Salvadori Martinhão

Secretary of Telecommunications

Ministry of Communications, Brazil

Mindel de la Torre

Mindel de la Torre

Chief of the International Bureau

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Patricia Avila

Patricia Avila

Secretary of Electronic Communications

Ministry of Communications, Brazil

Luis Lucatero

Luis Lucatero

Chief of Regulatory Policy

IFT Mexico

Andreas Geiss

Andreas Geiss

Acting Head of Unit, Radio Spectrum Policy

European Commission

Melesia Sutherland-Campbell

Melesia Sutherland-Campbell

Chair, Regulatory & Emerging Technologies Committee

The Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (CANTO)

Joaquin Restrepo

Joaquin Restrepo

Head, Outreach and Publication Services Division


More informtion


Following the success of the European, Americas and the Asia-Pacific Spectrum Management Conferences, the Latin America edition brought together key stakeholders and policymakers in the region.


This year's conference included sessions on the following topics:


    • Managing the Analogue Switchover
    • Maximizing the benefits of the Digital Dividend
    • Network Optimization
    • Increasing co-ordination of spectrum policy across LAC countries
    • Spectrum Issues and Priorities Ahead of WRC-15
    • Additional spectrum for mobile broadband
    • Dynamic Spectrum and Whitespace Access
    • Bridging the digital divide
    • Best Practice in Spectrum Auctions and Awards
    • The LTE Device Ecosystem


If you have any questions or require any further information regarding this event, please do not hesitate to contact Tom Chinnock on on or +44 (0) 2920 783 025.



Wed 14 May, 2014 08.30 to
Thu 15 May, 2014 17.30




Centro de Convenções SulAmérica

Paulo de Frontin , 1
Cidade Nova - Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Google location map



Sponsorship Brochure - Latin America Spectrum Management Conference

Conferencia 2014 sobre Gestion del Espectro en America Latina

Conferencia da Gestao do Espectro da America Latina 2014

Formulário de Inscrição PT

Formulario de Inscripción ESP



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