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Thank you to the 200+ delegates who attended the Annual EU-US Trade Conference at The Hotel on 30th January 2014. We hope you enjoyed the discussions.


Please click here to view the summary report from the conference.


The second annual edition of this conference will take place on 5th February 2015 at the Management Centre Europe, Brussels. For more information, please visit


Please see below a selection of photos from the event. You can click on photos to bring up a description. You may need to 'allow' the content to appear on your browser if photos do not display.

Alternatively, you can view the photos directly on our Flickr site.


Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


A selection of photos and related videos are now available to view via this link.


Speakers include

Ignacio Garcia Bercero

Ignacio Garcia Bercero

Director, DG TRADE, European Commission

EU Chief Negotiator, Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership

Christian Ehler MEP

Christian Ehler MEP

Chair, Delegation for Relations with the United States

European Parliament

Vital Moreira MEP

Vital Moreira MEP

Chair, Committee on International Trade

European Parliament

Linda Corugedo Steneburg

Linda Corugedo Steneburg

Director, Co-operation

DG Connect, European Commission

Crin Antonescu

Crin Antonescu

President of the Romanian Senate, Leader of the

Romanian National Liberal Party (PNL)

Peter Vicary-Smith

Peter Vicary-Smith

Chief Executive, Which? and President


Dara Corrigan

Dara Corrigan

Director, Europe Office

United States Food and Drug Administration

Elena Bryan

Elena Bryan

Senior Trade Representative


Eva Grut-Aandahl

Eva Grut-Aandahl

Senior Director International Public Affairs


Nicholas Hodac

Nicholas Hodac

Governmental Programs Executive


Forum Europe’s Annual EU-US Trade event 2014 took place between the third and fourth rounds of TTIP negotiations and fell within the so called stock-taking period. This is a critical time for negotiators and stakeholders, and this conference focused on delivering key sectoral information via specific workshops, while also providing broader political insights.


Discussions focused on the following:


- Public Procurement

- SMEs

- The Digital and ICT space

- Chemicals

- Automotive and Transport

- Pharmaceuticals and Health

- Energy and Raw Materials

- Agriculture and Food



Further Information


For more information please contact Jessie Atkinson on or +44 (0) 2920 783 029.





Thursday 30 January, 2014
09.00 to 17.30




The Hotel

Boulevard de Waterloo 38
Brussels 1000

Google location map



EU Trade Insights: TTIP Special Edition

Sponsorship Brochure

Summary Report



Forum Europe