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The Clean Power for Transport Package released by the European Commission in January 2013 aims to boost the development of a single market for alternative fuels for transport in Europe, which is currently restrained by technological and commercial issues, lack of consumer acceptance and inadequate infrastructure. The market development of alternative fuels and propulsion systems such as natural gas, hydrogen and electricity may present an opportunity to help improve the security of the EU energy supply.

Speakers include

Matthias Ruete

Matthias Ruete

Director General for Mobility and Transport

European Commission

Karl Falkenberg

Karl Falkenberg

Director General for Environment

European Commission

Arijandas Šliupas

Arijandas Šliupas

Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications

Republic of Lithuania

Baudouin Kelecom

Baudouin Kelecom

Fuels Executive, Refining and Supply Planning


Hans Bruyninckx

Hans Bruyninckx

Executive Director

European Environment Agency

Chris Malins

Chris Malins

Fuels Program Lead

The International Council on Clean Transportation

Pierre-Etienne Franc

Pierre-Etienne Franc

Advanced Business and Technologies Vice President, Air Liquide and Chair of Governing Board of

The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

Greg Archer

Greg Archer

Programme Manager - Clean Vehicles

Transport & Environment

Samuel Maubanc

Samuel Maubanc

General Manager


Matthew Pencharz

Matthew Pencharz

Senior Advisor - Environment and Energy to the Mayor of London

Greater London Authority

More Information




The conference will assess if the proposals will help achieve this goal and reduce GHG emissions from transport as well as support Europe’s economic growth and industrial competitiveness. Will the alternative fuels strategy meet the energy needs of all transport modes and is it consistent with the objectives of the EU 2020 strategy? Is a pan-European fuels strategy achievable and how might infrastructure be best developed and why do standards and approaches continue to differ between countries?


For more information, please email Anne-Lise Simon or call on +44 (0) 2920 783 023.





Tuesday 3 December, 2013
08.30 to 16.50




The Renaissance Hotel

Rue du Parnasse 19

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Forum Europe