The 2nd Annual Americas Spectrum Management Conference took place on the 23 & 24 October 2012 in Washington D.C. This conference is the leading meeting place of the year for key senior stakeholders and policymakers across the region, providing an interactive platform for discussion on the most pertinent issues and developments affecting spectrum management policies.
Speakers include
Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications
Industry Canada
More information
With contributions from all of the main stakeholders at both a policy and industry level from the US, Canada and Latin America, the conference took a comprehensive look at spectrum management policies across the Americas region. It offered the chance to look at best practices in areas such as increasing efficiency of spectrum bandplans, the linkage between spectrum allocation and competition issues in the mobile sector, Incentive Auctions, increasing access to broadband services, Dynamic and Shared Spectrum Access, as well as the possible scope and benefits of deepening co-ordination of spectrum policy across the Americas, and by bringing in speakers from the EU and Asia, the debate also extended to a global level.
Session titles were based around:
- To what extent can reformation and harmonisation of spectrum bandplans be used to increase efficiency of use and meet increasing demand?
- What can be done across the Americas to make better use of the 700MHz band?
- Consolidation, Competition and Spectrum Licensing: The linkage between spectrum allocation and consolidation in the mobile sector
- Funding the switch from digital divide to digital opportunity
- Spectrum Valuation & Strategy in a 4G World
- Dynamic and shared spectrum access: What role can the use of unlicenced spectrum and shared spectrum use play in aleviating the spectrum crunch?
- Spectrum Auctions: Auction design and implementation for a competitive and open market
A pre-conference workshop took place on October 22. Coordinated by Lemay-Yates Associates, Inc., the workshop focused on spectrum auctions and valuation in the 4G era.
For more information regarding this workshop or any aspect of the conference, please email Tom Chinnock at or call +44 (0)2920 783 025.
Reaction to this year's event
“This conference is quickly becoming a key regional forum for idea sharing!”
— Mignon Clyburn, Commissioner, FCC
“For the second year running Forum Global has done a terrific job in bringing together a broad range of high level government, academic, and corporate professionals to discuss important spectrum management issues in the Americas. The Americas Spectrum Management Conference is rapidly becoming one of the “must attend” events in the region.”
— Charla Rath, Vice President, Wireless Policy Development, Verizon
“Great job—keep it up. Particularly pleased with the good LatAm turnout.”
— Marc Dupuis, Director General, Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch, Industry Canada
“Great conference! The mix of presenters, the quality of the presentations, the topics covered, as well as the overall organization, were outstanding.”
— Angela Maimo, Spectrum Strategy, Intelsat
“Great event! Excellent speakers and very well organized. All the spectrum trends and main issues completely covered.”
— Sonia Agnese, Legislation and Regulation Manager, Telecom Argentina
“This is a unique event that I would not miss. The level and quality of the speakers is excellent!”
— Raymond Laforest, Professor, CEGEP - Telecom
“My first of hopefully several spectrum Americas conferences.”
— H Nwana, Group Director, Spectrum Policy Group, Ofcom, UK
Forum Global created a dedicated LinkedIn group to promote discussion ahead of the conference in October. To access these discussions and continue discussing, join the Spectrum Policy group here.

Mon 22 October, 2012 12.45 to
Wed 24 October, 2012 17.30
Washington Marriott Hotel
1221 22nd Street NW
Washington, D.C.
20037 USA