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A big thank you to all of those who participated at the European Gas Policy Forum 2012.

This inaugural event - organised by Forum Europe and the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) - examined what potential future legislation might look like in relation to shale gas and debated whether the lack of a common approach will damage shale development in Europe. It also explored which countries offer the best opportunities for shale gas in Europe, while international perspectives provided insights into the role shale may play as part of the global energy scene.

Presentations are now available through the Online Networking System.

Speakers include

Neoklis Sylikiotis

Neoklis Sylikiotis

Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism


Niki Tzavela MEP

Niki Tzavela MEP

Rapporteur for the ITRE Committee's report on 'Industrial, energy and other aspects of shale gas and oil'

European Parliament

Bogusław Sonik MEP

Bogusław Sonik MEP

Rapporteur for the ENVI Committee's report on 'the environmental impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction activities'

European Parliament

Marie Donnelly

Marie Donnelly

Director, Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency

DG Energy, European Commission

Tristan Aspray

Tristan Aspray

Europe Exploration Operations Manager


Dale E. Ryan

Dale E. Ryan


Chevron Bulgaria Exploration & Production EOOD

Sergei Komlev

Sergei Komlev

Head of Contract Structuring and Price Formation Directorate

Gazprom Export

Carina Vopel

Carina Vopel

Head of Unit, Strategy, DG Environment

European Commission

Alexander Antonyuk

Alexander Antonyuk

Senior Energy Analyst

International Energy Agency

Howard Rogers

Howard Rogers

Director, Natural Gas Research Programme

Oxford Institute for Energy Studies



The debate around shale gas development in Europe remains in its infancy, however it is seen by many as a “game-changer” in terms of energy security, tackling climate change and in facilitating the development of renewables (as a best placed partner). However figures quoting actual shale gas reserves continue to be subject to claim and counter claim, while politically, no common approach is in place, or perhaps likely.


According to a report published by the European Commission earlier this year, at current levels of operation, shale gas development in Europe does not require additional EU legislation (above that already covered via REACH, the Water Framework Directive, the Groundwater Directive and the Mining Waste Directive for instance). However the possibility of future legislation is not ruled out should shale gas operations reach commercial scale.

Key questions addressed at this event included:


- Should shale gas be regulated at EU-level or is the current approach appropriate?

- What might future regulation, at both member state and EU-level look like?

- Will shale gas revolutionise the energy security situation in Europe and which countries offer the most potential?

- What role will Europe play in the global development of shale and how will such development affect European energy prices and other energy resources?

- Will shale open up further opportunities for gas to be “twinned” with renewables in the drive for a low carbon future?

- Could Europe lead the way in delivering environmentally conscious shale gas development?

For further information on this year's event or the 2013 edition, please contact Charlene Selmer on or call +44 (0) 2920 783 024.


Organisers and partners



Wednesday 3 October, 2012
08.30 to 18.00




Renaissance Brussels Hotel

Rue du Parnasse 19
1050 Belgium

Google location map



Sponsorship Prospectus



The European Gas Policy Forum