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Speaker Biographies

Keynote presentations

Neelie  Kroes**

Neelie Kroes**

Vice President & EU Commissioner for Digital Agenda, European Commission


Neelie Kroes is currently Vice President of the European Commission and European Digital Agenda Commissioner. She was born 1941 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, where she also attended school and helped to build her family’s transport business. She studied economics at Erasmus University, before working there for six years as an Assistant Professor. Her political career started on the Rotterdam Municipal Council, and in 1971 she was elected as a Member of the Dutch Parliament for the liberal VVD party. From 1982-1989 she served as Minister for Transport, Public Works and Telecommunication in the Netherlands. After politics she was appointed President of Nyenrode University from 1991-2000, and served on various company boards, including Lucent Technologies, Volvo, P&O Nedlloyd. Prior to serving as European Commissioner for Competition from 2004-2009, her charity work included advising the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund and World Cancer Research Fund, and she has an ongoing interest in mental health issues.

** via video presentation

Maria Badia I Cutchet, MEP

Maria Badia I Cutchet, MEP

Rapporteur for Action plan for Europe on IOT, European Parliament


Maria Badia I Cutchet was a teacher of English at primary schools until 1984. Since 1985 to 1996 she has been involved in the "Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya" (PSC), collaborating with the First Secretary and coordinating the Secretariat of International Affairs of "Partido Socialista Obrero Español" (PSOE). In 1996 Head of the Department of the President of "Parlament de Catalunya". In 2000 elected member of the Board of PSC and Secretary of European and International Affairs. In 2004 elected Member of the European Parliament and Member of European Women Socialist Party. In 2009 leading candidate of the PSC for the European Parliament elections and elected Vice-President of the Group of Alliance of Socialist & Democrats.

Peter  Hustinx

Peter Hustinx

Supervisor, European Data Protection Supervisor


Mr. Hustinx (1945) has been European Data Protection Supervisor since January 2004 and was re-appointed by the European Parliament and the Council in January 2009 for a second term of five years. He has been closely involved in the development of data protection legislation from the start, both at national and at international level. Before entering his office, Mr. Hustinx was President of the Dutch Data Protection Authority since 1991. From 1996 until 2000 he was Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party. He received law degrees in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and in Ann Arbor, USA. Since 1986 he has been deputy judge in the Court of Appeal in Amsterdam.


Gérald  Santucci

Gérald Santucci

Head of Unit, RFID, European Commission


Gérald Santucci has been working in the Information Society and Media Directorate-General of the European Commission since February 1986. In March 2007, he was appointed Head of the Unit Networked Enterprise & Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The unit's portfolio includes some 50 R&D projects, grouped around two clusters, which address the development of ICT-based systems supporting the Future Internet Networked Enterprise and the shift from contactless technologies towards the Internet of Things. The adoption by the European Commission, in March 2007, of a Communication on RFID has constituted a first milestone towards the achievement of a European policy framework regarding RFID. Work underway includes the monitoring of a Commission Recommendation on the implementation of privacy and data protection principles in RFID-enabled applications and a Commission Communication on the Internet of Things. Over the years, Gérald has gained extensive experience in the activities of the Directorate-General through his involvement in research management, including heading the Unit “Applications relating to Administrations” (i.e. eGovernment) 1999-2002, the Unit “Trust and Security” 2003, and "ICT for Enterprise Networking" 2004-2006. During the period from 1986 to 1989, Gérald managed the preparatory work that led to the AIM (Advanced Informatics in Medicine) exploratory action, which still exists today in the form of the ICT for Health unit of DG Information Society and Media. In 1991-1993, he was involved in the Uruguay Round Trade Negotiations with respect to Semiconductors (tariffs, rules of origin, direct investment) and drafted a Commission Communication on the European Telecommunications Equipment Industry. In November 2008 Gérald Santucci received the Honourable Mention in the Asset Tracking Forum segment of the ID People Awards ceremony at the seventh ID WORLD International Congress in Milan. This recognition underlined Gérald's untiring efforts to drive forward and foster a coherent European approach to RFID that ensures common standards, harmonized legislation as well as compatible guidelines.

Marylin Arndt

Marylin Arndt

Vice-Chairman, Technical Committee M2M, ETSI


Marylin Arndt holds the position of Senior Standardisation Manager at FranceTelecom-Orange. In this role she is in charge of piloting and monitoring standardisation activity on M2M (machine-to-machine). In January 2009, she was elected as chairman of a new technical committee, TC M2M, at ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute and continues to be highly active in chairing the committee. With more than 20 years of experience in the telecoms domain, she previously held various positions in R&D. She actively participated in numerous European collaborative projects (FP5, FP6) and filed more than ten patents. She was R&D team leader in the area of mobile terminals and communicating devices followed by the same position focusing on wireless applications for capillary access networks. Marylin holds an engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Paris and a PhD in Solid State Physics at the Universitė des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier.

Michael Nelson

Michael Nelson

Professor, Internet Studies, Georgetown University


Dr Michael Nelson, based in the US, is a Research Associate for the Leading Edge Forum. Michael is also currently Visiting Professor of Internet Studies in Georgetown University's Communication, Culture, and Technology (CCT) Program, a unique, trans-disciplinary masters program for students and researchers interested in how information technology is shaping society and vice versa. Since January 2008, he has been conducting research and teaching courses on The Future of the Internet, innovation, technology forecasting, and e-government, as well as consulting and speaking on Internet technology and policy.

Before joining the Georgetown faculty, Michael spent almost ten years as Director of Internet Technology and Strategy at IBM, where he managed a team helping define and implement IBM's Next Generation Internet strategy. Prior to that, Michael was Director for Technology Policy at the FCC, where he helped craft policies to spur the growth of the Internet. Before joining the FCC in January 1997, Michael was Special Assistant for Information Technology at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy where he worked with Vice President Al Gore on telecommunications policy, encryption and online privacy, electronic commerce, and information policy.

Michael has a PhD from MIT and a BS from Caltech.

Ovidiu  Vermesan

Ovidiu Vermesan

Chief Scientist, SINTEF ICT, Scandinavia


Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan holds a Ph.D. degree in microelectronics and a Master of International Business (MIB) degree and has 24 years of experience in Electronics and Telecommunications. He is Chief Scientist at SINTEF Information and Communication Technology, Oslo, Norway. His research interests are in the area of analog and mixed-signal ASIC Design (CMOS/BiCMOS/SOI) with applications in measurement, instrumentation, high-temperature applications, medical electronics and integrated sensors; low power/low voltage ASIC design; and computer-based electronic analysis and simulation. Dr. Vermesan received SINTEFs 2003 award for research excellence for his work on the implementation of a biometric sensor system. He is currently working with projects addressing nanoelectronics integrated systems, communication and embedded systems, integrated sensors, wireless identifiable systems and RFID for future Internet of Things architectures with applications in green automotive, internet of energy, healthcare, oil and gas and energy efficiency in buildings. He is actively involved in the activities of the European Technology Platforms ENIAC (European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council), ARTEMIS (Advanced Research &Technology for EMbedded Intelligence and Systems), EPoSS (European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration). Dr. Vermesan is the coordinator of the IoT European Research Cluster (IERC) of the European Commission, actively participated in EU FP7 Projects related to Internet of Things.

Dan Caprio

Dan Caprio

Managing Director, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP


Dan Caprio brings over 25 years of experience on legal and policy issues involving the convergence of internet, telecommunications, and technology. He has substantial knowledge and experience in the areas of privacy, cyber security, supply chain management, radio frequency identification (RFID), and the Internet of Things, a term used when everyday objects are connected to the Internet. Mr. Caprio works with clients to define and capitalize on public policy strategies in the United States and Europe. From 2004 to 2006, Mr. Caprio served as Chief Privacy Officer and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy for the U.S. Department of Commerce (DoC) where he advised the Secretary of Commerce and the White House on technology policy and privacy protection. While at the DoC, he oversaw activities related to the development and implementation of federal privacy laws, policies, and practices. He served as Chairman of the DoC RFID working group and Co-Chairman of the Federal RFID interagency working group. In 2007, Mr. Caprio was appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to serve on the Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee. In 2010, Mr. Caprio was appointed as a transatlantic subject matter expert for the European Commission’s Internet of Things formal expert group. Prior to his tenure at the DoC, Mr. Caprio served as Chief of Staff to a Commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission. In 2002, he was appointed to represent the United States in revising the OECD guidelines on information systems and networks. Dan holds an active security clearance for classified matters.

Bernard Berhamou

Bernard Berhamou

Director of Forecasting and Internet Governance, French Ministry of Research


Ministerial Delegate on Internet Usage (Ministry of Research and Ministry of Industry)

Director of the French Presidency of the European Union Conference on the Internet of the Future / Internet of Things

Senior Lecturer on the Information Society at the Political Sciences Institute in Paris (Sciences Po)

- Advisor of the French Delegation at the World Summit of the United Nations on the Information Society

- Head of the Forecast & Internet Governance Mission at the Agency for the Development of e-Government (Prime Minister Office & Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

- Head of the Mission "Internet, Schools & Family" at the French Ministry of Education

- Senior lecturer at the National School of Government (ENA)

- Advisor for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Internet projects in developing countries

- Founding member of PlaNet Finance (Internet based NGO devoted to giving microcredit to the developing countries)

- Conceptor in 1996 of the first Network and Internet based exhibition in the french museum of science (Passport to the Cyberworld / Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie)

Usman Haque

Usman Haque

Founder and CEO, Pachube


Usman Haque, is director Haque Design + Research Ltd (, founder of and CEO of Connected Environments Ltd. He has created responsive environments, interactive installations, digital interface devices and mass-participation performances around the world. His skills include the design and engineering of both physical spaces and the software and systems that bring them to life. Trained as an architect, he received the 2008 Design of the Year Award (interactive) from the Design Museum, UK, a 2009 World Technology Award (art), a Wellcome Trust Sciart Award, a grant from the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology, the Swiss Creation Prize, Belluard Bollwerk International, the Japan Media Arts Festival Excellence prize and the Asia Digital Art Award Grand Prize.

Wim  de Waele

Wim de Waele

CEO, The Interdisciplinary institute for BroadBand Technology (IBBT)


Wim De Waele is Chief Executive Officer of IBBT (, headquartered in Ghent, Belgium. IBBT specializes in interdisciplinary research and development in the software sector, working with companies and other partners on the newest technologies in domains such as networking, media, security and healthcare. Besides his general management duties, he also leads the market strategy and incubation efforts of IBBT with strong focus on the development of new start-up companies and business acceleration of technology concepts. Wim De Waele obtained his master degrees in Economic Sciences and Computer Sciences at the University of Ghent in 1987. He started his career as scientific researcher at the university in the area of artificial intelligence in industrial applications. He continued this work at Siemens R&D in Belgium and München. After that he built the European consulting organisation of the Canadian software company Numetrix, specialized in planning software for the consumer packaged goods and process industry. In 1994 Wim joined i2 Technologies as Services Director for Europa, where he also built te European organisation from zero. He then was promoted to vice-president of consumer goods and retail, and moved to i2 headquarters in Dallas. Upon his return to Europe in 2001, he became Chief Technology Officer of the distressed Real Software Group. After the turn-around and sale of the company to a private euqity group, he left Real Software for IBBT on august 1, 2004. Wim De Waele is also involved in public initiatives such as the new media center De Waalse Krook ( and start-up companies such as Continuum ( and SonicAngel ( He lives with partner An Gyselinck and kids in his town of birth, Ghent, in Belgium. In his spare time he enjoys music, travel and culinary experiments that he carries out himself.

Ignasi  Vilajosana

Ignasi Vilajosana

CEO, Worldsensing


Dr. Ignasi Vilajosana, now CEO of Worldsensing, received the degree and PhD of Physics from the University of Barcelona. During 2007, he was a visitor at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (Oslo, Norway) and in 2008 at the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF, Davos, Switzerland). Recently, he has been granted a Torres Quevedo grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to lead Worldsensing’s R&D line. He has also been involved in Spanish and European funded projects, such as INFOREGIO, SATSIE, DALMASA, GENESI. Whilst he still has interest in wireless sensor networks, advanced signal processing techniques, data aggregation and energy harvesting techniques, he has also a strong background in business and marketing. Notably, he has been key to the recent success of Worldsensing in various Smart City rollouts, international growth and IBM's Smart Camp 2010 success. Under his leadership, Worldsensing has grown within a few years into a cutting-edge hard, middle and software company offering complete end-to-end technology and service solutions, which are facilitated by sensors with reliable local wireless and global Internet connectivity. He has focused Worldsensing onto some key emerging markets, notably the smart city, smart grid, smart construction and smart field markets. Worldsensing’s unique philosophy of deploy-and-forget, application-tailored, end-to-end solutions, powered by an adaptable Internet of Things (IoT) tech platform, offers reliable, robust, small, light, timely and affordable solutions so as to meet stringent industrial requirements. He is regularly being invited to keynotes and panels in the areas of Smart City, Internet of Things, among others; he has spoken along Jim Corgel, IBM, at the Smarter Industries event in Barcelona in 2010.

Inaki  Vazquez

Inaki Vazquez

CEO, Symplio Lifestyle Technologies


Iñaki Vazquez, PhD. is CEO at Symplio, a start-up focused on designing product experiences merging the real-world and the Internet for lifestyle and entertainment consumer markets. At Symplio, he leads the vision for creating Internet-connected social objects: products that use knowledge on the Internet to become smarter and more collaborative, transforming the users’ environment into a more personal and emotional space. One of the main drivers of this vision is the challenge of experimenting the Internet, especially social networks, beyond computing platforms, seamlessly integrated into everyday life. Previously, Iñaki Vazquez was Research Leader of the Intelligent Environments Research Group at the University of Deusto (Spain). His main research areas were smart objects connected to the Internet (Internet of Things), especially to Web 2.0 sites, TUI (Tangible User Interfaces) based on RFID/NFC, ambient intelligence, and wireless sensor networks. He has taken part in cross-European FP7 projects related to mobile computing, and he has also managed cooperative projects involving smart context-aware objects, wearable devices, and mobile computing systems.

Massimiliano Minisci

Massimiliano Minisci

Director EU Public Policy, GS1 Global Office


Massimiliano Minisci is Director Public Policy Europe at GS1 Global Office, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve efficiency and visibility in supply chains. GS1 standards are used by 1.3 million companies, which execute more than six billion transactions daily in 150 countries. GS1 has local member organisations in 108 countries.

Massimiliano joined GS1 after having spent three years at ICANN as Regional Relations Manager responsible for Europe. ICANN is an international non-for-profit corporation headquartered in the USA responsible for managing the top-level domain name space, Internet Protocol address space and maintaining registries of Internet protocol identifiers.

Prior to that, he spent seven years in Brussels as public policy/regulatory affairs manager for companies and trade associations in the telecom sector. He began his career in Italy as an applied-economics researcher for a private research centre in Rome, then joined the second largest Italian trade association representing industrial SMEs where he held different positions in public policy/advocacy.

Massimiliano holds a degree in Economics from the University “La Sapienza” in Rome. An Italian national, he is fluent in English and French and has a passive knowledge of Spanish.

Christian  Nold

Christian Nold

Designer, Softhook


Christian Nold is an artist, designer and educator working to develop new participatory models and technologies for communal representation. In 2001 he wrote the book “Mobile Vulgus,”i which examined the psychosomatic history of the political crowd. Since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 2004, Nold has led many large-scale participatory mapping projects. In particular his “Bio Mapping” project has been staged in sixteen different countries with more than 1500 workshop participants. For the last six years, Nold has been developing an extensive tool-kit of technologies that blend together human and non-human sensors for local governance. In 2010, Nold launched an experimental currency, the “Bijlmer Euro,” which allows people to follow where their money moves. This year will see the publication of the book, "The Internet of People for a Post-Oil World", co-written with Rob van Kranenburg.

Joseph  Alhadeff

Joseph Alhadeff

Vice President of Global Public Policy and Chief Privacy Officer, Oracle


Joseph Alhadeff is the Vice President for Global Public Policy and Chief Privacy Officer for Oracle Corporation, one of the world's leading suppliers of information management software. Mr. Alhadeff is responsible for coordinating and managing Oracle's global privacy and public policy issues.

In addition to his role at Oracle, Mr. Alhadeff serves a prominent role in several influential international organizations dedicated to Internet policy, security and privacy. Mr. Alhadeff serves as the BIAC Chair to the OECD ICCP Committee, head of industry delegation to the OECD Security Steering Group, and a Vice Chair of the International Chamber of Commerce’s Electronic Business and Information Technology Committee. In the US, Mr. Alhadeff chairs the US-Malaysia Business Council, the Information Technology Committee for the US India Business Council and Government Affairs Committee for the Software and Information Industry Association, is Vice Chair of the USCIB’s E-Business Committee, Co-chairs the IT Committee of the US-ASEAN Business Council and is an ABAC Board member.

Prior to joining Oracle, Mr. Alhadeff was General Counsel and Vice President for Electronic Commerce for the US Council for International Business (USCIB) in New York. Alhadeff holds and M.B.A. in management and information systems from New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business and a J.D. from Boston University School of Law, and a B.A. from Oberlin College.

Hein  Gorter de Vries

Hein Gorter de Vries

Director of Innovation , GS1 Netherlands


After graduating in physics and in business administration in the late seventies Hein worked in several jobs in IT and organisational consultancy. He joined GS1 Nederland in

As Director of Innovation he is focusing on “opportunity development” regarding the GS1 standards. He is a member of the global GS1 Architecture Group, which is tasked to promote and protect the integrity of the GS1 System. He participates in GS1’s global transport & logistics initiative. He is a member of the Board of Frugicom, the Dutch co-operation which furthers a more efficient fruits & vegetables supply chain.
GS1 (formerly known as EAN) is a global organization active in over 100 countries, serving some 1,5 million member companies. GS1 offers a consistent suite of standards
for identification and communication in the trade of goods in many sectors. Cooperation in competitive markets has proven to be very effective for companies using GS1’s standards. The standards evolve with new business requirements as well as new ICT opportunities, which themselves create new business opportunities.

This is why innovation is of increasing relevance: standardization is not only about making existing processes more efficient, but also about jointly grasping new opportunities. As an example, related to the development of standards for RFID (GS1 EPCglobal), the “EPCglobal network” of distributed event repositories complements the transactional way of communicating business messages such as orders and despatch advices. This essentially is an “internet of goods”.

Hein sails in his free time and in the summer holidays. He is married and has two grownup children.

Pilgrim  Beart

Pilgrim Beart

Founder, AlertMe


A graduate in Computer Engineering from City University in London, Pilgrim Beart has 20 years experience in both the UK and US with ground breaking high-technology companies. After six years working in Silicon Valley in the 1990s for companies like Atari and Chromatic Research (now AMD), Pilgrim returned to Cambridge UK in 1999, where he founded three companies: activeRF Ltd. and antenova Ltd and most recently AlertMe in 2006.

Rahim Tafazolli

Rahim Tafazolli

Professor, Centre for Communication Systems Research, University of Surrey


Professor Tafazolli is the Director of the Centre for Communications Systems Research (CCSR), Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, The University of Surrey in the UK.

CCSR is the largest academic communications research centre in Europe with extensive activities with academia and industry in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.
He has published more than 500 research papers in refereed journals, international conferences and as invited speaker. He currently has more than 15 patents in the field of mobile communications.

He is the editor of two books on “Technologies for Wireless Future” published by Wiley’s Vol.1 in 2004 and Vol.2 2006.

He is currently chairman of EU Net!WorksTechnology Platform Expert Group, board member of the UK Future Internet Strategy Group (UK-FISG) and coordinator of the IoT-i coordination action project.

He is Fellow of WWRF (Wireless World Research Forum).

Jose Roberto Amazonas

Jose Roberto Amazonas

Associate Professor, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil


Prof. José Roberto de Almeida Amazonas, PhD - Associate Professor at the Communications and Control Engineering Department of the EPUSP

José graduated in Electrical Engineering from EPUSP in 1979. MSc (1983), PhD (1988), Post-doctorate (Livre-Docência, 1996) in Electrical Engineering from the same university. Followed specialization courses at Ecole Supériéure d'Eléctricité (SUPELEC, Paris), Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT, USA) and University of California at Berkeley (USA). Worked as visiting professor at the Humboldt Universität (Berlin, DDR) and at Dresden Technische Universität (Dresden, DDR). Coordinated several research and development projects with European and American companies as, for example, AMI Inc., AMS GmH, European Silicon Solutions - ES2, Ericsson Telecommunications.

José is currently Associate Professor at the Communications and Control Engineering Department of the EPUSP, where he is in charge of optical communications and high-speed network courses. He was the coordinator of the Signals and Communications Laboratory of the same department (2007-2008) and is the leader of the Network QoS Management research group. His research interests include end-to-end QoS assurance, traffic generation and estimation, QoS-aware multi-constraint hop-by-hop routing, bayesian-based multiuser detection, fault-tolerant and power-aware ad-hoc networks, adaptive mobile learning environments. He is the author of the book Projetos de Sistemas de Comunicações Ópticas (Ed. Manole, 2005) and over 80 scientific papers. He is the Brazilian partner in the CE funded CASAGRAS2 FP-7 project.

Henri Barthel

Henri Barthel

Director GS1 System Integrity and Global Partnerships, The European Committee for Standardisation


Henri Barthel has been working for GS1 since July 1988 and is currently Director System Integrity and Global Partnerships at the GS1 Global Office in Brussels. He is responsible for protecting the integrity of the GS1 system throughout the GS1 standards and services development process. He is also responsible for developing strategies for achieving recognition by third party standards organisations of new or amended GS1 standards. He is a co-chair of the GS1 Architecture Committee. He is also chairman of SC31/WG4, the ISO working group dealing with RFID standardisation for item management and of CEN/TC 225, the European standards committee on Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) Technologies and Applications.

Duncan Wilson

Duncan Wilson

Member, IoT Expert Working Group


As part of the Foresight Innovation and Incubation team at Arup, Duncan is responsible for researching medium and long term futures with a focus on social and technology factors. He develops foresight and innovation capability within Arup, co-created the Drivers of Change concept ( and programme manages a series of workshops on the future of the built environment.

He was Principal Investigator on a Euro 1.4 Mil two year research project (DTI technology program) applying wireless sensor networks in the built environment and was a partner in a Euro 20 Mil European Union Future Internet project called SENSEI develop an architecture for networks of wireless sensor networks. He is currently on the EC Expert Panel on the Internet of Things and is leading an internal research project on the implications of ubiquitous computing for Arup. His research merges interests in sensing and monitoring and creating interactive, ambient displays that solicit and feedback information with the intent of influencing behavior.

Prior to joining Arup Duncan was a Project Manager in the Innovation Centre at Sainsburyís Supermarkets Ltd and an engineer at Nissan (UK). Duncan is a Chartered Engineer (IET), has a PhD from University College London in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision and blogs at

Maher Chebbo

Maher Chebbo

Chairman of DigitalEurope SmartGrids Group and Vice President, Head of the EMEA Utilities & Services Industries, SAP AG


Dr Maher Chebbo is Vice President of Utilities & Services Industries for EMEA at SAP AG. Maher joined SAP 15 years ago where he co-founded its Corporate Venturing Unit in 2003.
Maher is member of the EEGI (European Electricity Grid Initiative) Executive team, co-founder of ETP “SmartGrids” Council & Chairman of its demand, metering & Retail Group, member of the Steering Committee EU Task Force SmartGrids, contributor to ETP Wind, co-Chair of the EU ICT Consultation group for Energy Efficiency, member of the Board of REEEP (Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership), Chairman of DigitalEurope SmartGrids group, Chairman of ESMIG Interoperability group, Board member of ARMINES, Member of the Scientific committee of Ecole des Mines de Nantes and member of IEEE Program Committee of SmartGrids World initiative 2010.
Before joining SAP, Maher led at Cap Gemini the Power and Communication industries for 6 years.
Maher co-founded a Renewable Energy German startup. He holds an Engineering and PhD degrees in Energy from Mines de Paris.

Iskander Smit

Iskander Smit

Strategy Director,


Iskander Smit works as strategy director, one of the oldest internet agencies in the Netherlands. Based in the heart of Amsterdam is specialized in the creation and realization of context driven online service ecosystems.

Iskander is responsible for strategy within and advises clients how to transform their products and services into engaging online ecosystems. Inspired on our models Virtual Warmth, Exploding Website and Realtime Company.

Iskander is educated as Industrial Design Engineer and has worked since 1994 in digital media as interaction designer, concept developer and strategist. Driven by the added value of interactivity and the social power of connected media. partners with Council (the European Internet of Things think tank), Latitiude, and Machina Research, in an open-ended exploration of people-centric applications of the Internet of Things (IoT), of which the first results will be shared during the conference.

Miguel Trujillo

Miguel Trujillo

COO, The European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds, and early stage market players (EBAN)


Miguel A. L. Trujillo is Chief Operating Officer of EBAN. He is responsible for the coordination of EBAN's events, statutory meetings, working committees, PR, European projects (e.g. ACCESS ICT), research and development. He also supports sponsor relations, lobbying work, new members recruiting, EBAN's marketing, HR and finance management. Between 2009-2011 he directed the business accelerator Crecer+ at
Orkestra - Basque Institute of Competitiveness (Spain), and launched the business angel network BAC+ with the support of international angels. At the same time, Miguel was a professor of entrepreneurship in the Executive MBA of Deusto Business School (Bilbao, Spain). Before 2009, Miguel was responsible for the Spin-Off area of the Spanish Network of University Technology Transference Offices (RedOTRI), worked as a business consultant at Madrid's Regional Government, and taught Spanish language, history, economy and civilisation at the universities of Alcalá and Texas State University. As an entrepreneur, Miguel founded 3 companies: Histania History Consultants,, and Google Humano. Miguel holds 4 academic degrees, including a Ph.D. in History with European Honours (University of Alcalá), an MBA (University of Salamanca), and a MA in American History (Texas State University).

Ruprecht Niepold

Ruprecht Niepold

Advisor to the Director General on Radio Spectrum Policy, DG INFSO, European Commission


Ruprecht Niepold is an adviser on spectrum policy at the Directorate General for Information Society and Media of the European Commission (DG INFSO). He holds a Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Karlsruhe and a PhD from the University of Stuttgart. From 1977 he worked at the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in applied research for industry in the field of industrial automation before joining the European Commission in 1989 where he became responsible for relations with Japan and South East Asia in the field of telecommunications policy. As of 1997 he led the unit dealing mobile and satellite communications regulatory aspects. Between 2003 and 2008 he headed the unit in charge of developing radio spectrum policy from a Community perspective. Since May 2008 he advises the Director General of DG INFSO on radio spectrum policy issues.

Sebastian Lange

Sebastian Lange

Representative, VDI/VDE-IT


Dr. Sebastian Lange holds a degree in physics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. After his Ph.D. at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany he has been working as management consultant with Droege & Comp with a focus on business-process and knowledge management.
Dr. Lange has been working with VDI/VDE-IT since 2006 and is currently Senior Consultant in the department Innovation Europe. Dr. Lange had a leading role in establishing the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration (EPoSS) where he was responsible for the management of the European Technology Platform’s Office as deputy secretary general and held conceptual and advisory functions. Furthermore, he has been involved in the management of several EU FP projects and has is strongly committed to establishing and evolving the topic of the Internet of Things (IoT) on a European level in recent years.
He is member of the Future Internet X-ETP working group which was strongly involved in gearing up efforts towards a Future Internet Public Private Partnership as representative of EPoSS. In a joint effort of establishing the FI Strategic Research Agenda Dr. Lange was pushing the topic of the Internet of Things and M2M communication.
With respect to IoT, Dr. Lange is currently coordinator of the large scale integrated project IoT-A (Internet of Things – Architecture) which federates 20 European large industrial and academic partners in their effort on establishing a common and ubiquitously applicable architecture for the future Internet of Things. On a strategic level, he is also strongly involved in the current process of setting up the Internet of Things Initiative (IoT-i). Recently he has been appointed as official member of the IoT Expert Group by the European Commission.

Adrian Hanussek

Adrian Hanussek

Director, Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering Software, Bosch


Adrian Hanussek (47), married, 2 children
Study of the communications engineering in Bochum.
Entry into the Robert Bosch GmbH in 1989, into a department for Software development for 4-wheel steering systems.
Several responsibilities in Software development of Restraint Systems and Transmission Control.
Since 2008 Director of Corporate Sector Research Advance Engineering with responsibility for Software.

Florent Frederix

Florent Frederix

Head of Sector, Information Society and Media, European Commission


Florent Frederix has been working in the Information Society and Media Directorate-General of the European Commission since 2001 and is Head of Sector since January 1, 2006. His sector manages parts of the 7th framework research programme, the policy aspects and international cooperation on RFID and the emerging Internet of Things. Work accomplished includes a Recommendation (Soft European legislation – a recommendation that member states are free to translate in legislative texts) on the implementation of privacy and information security principles in RFID-enabled applications and a communication on the Internet of Things. Before joining the European commission Mr. Frederix spent 20 years in the Information and Telecom industry. During the second half of the 1980s as co-ordinator of the team that developed the AESTHEDES computer aided design system, named in 1989 by the referential Seybold report “A world leading line art design system”. In the 1990s he became research programs manager at Alcatel Microelectronics, the business division known for ground breaking work on ADSL. Mr Frederix has an educational background in Electronics, Computer Science and holds an MBA and Doctoral degree in Economics.

Frédéric Donck

Frédéric Donck

Director European Regional Bureau, The Internet Society (ISOC)


Frédéric Donck is the Director of the Internet society’s European Regional Bureau, which has been created in January 2010

Frédéric’s overall responsibility covers public policy, technology, capacity building, membership and business development for the Internet Society in Europe.
The main objective of the EU Bureau is to position the Internet Society as a leading global voice for the Internet in Europe, in particular through a strategic engagement with key policymakers, Industry, civil society and press/media.

Frédéric has in-depth experience as a negotiator and advocate in the telecommunications and Internet industry, in both the public and private sectors.

During 10 years within the European Commission (DG Infso and DG Enterprise), Frédéric developed and advocated for numerous European policies and decisions in the convergent e-communications sector.

Before he joined ISOC, Frédéric was an adviser to corporate executives and boards in the telecommunications sector. He has designed overall public and institutional policy as well as corporate reputation campaigns for major listed companies, including several of the world’s largest electronic communications companies. He has also served during 5 years as a Board Member of ETNO, the European Telecommunications network operators’ association.

Frédéric holds a LLD (Law Degree), from the Catholic University of Louvain-La-Neuve (UCL) as well as a Masters in European law (LLM) from the State University of Ghent (Gand), in Belgium.

Julian Kinderlerer

Julian Kinderlerer

President, European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies


Julian Kinderlerer is the President of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) that advises the EU Commission, Council and Parliament on ethical issues in relation to New Science and Technologies (, Professor of Intellectual Property Law and head of the Research Unit on Intellectual Property Law and Policy in the University of Cape Town, Professor of Biotechnology and Society in the Technology University in Delft, the Netherlands and a former Director of the Sheffield Institute of Biotechnological Law and Ethics in the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom.

Julian is a biochemist who has moved from research interests in theoretical aspects of enzymology and enzyme kinetics to looking at law, ethics, risk assessment and risk analysis in biotechnology. He has acted as a specialist adviser to a House of Lords Select Committee looking at the regulation of genetically modified organisms released into the environment and has advised many countries on the regulatory requirements of working with these organisms, spending a year seconded to the United Nations Environment Programme to assist countries in meeting their obligations under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. He has advised the South African Government on many issues, including a code of conduct for nanotechnology and policy in relation to databases for indigenous knowledge. His interests in the safety of modern biotechnology led to a wider interest in legal issues and new technologies, and he now leads a vibrant research group in Cape Town primarily looking at the innovation in an emerging country. He was born, brought up and educated in South Africa and spent many years in the United Kingdom before returning to South Africa about 5 years ago.

Thomas Weber

Thomas Weber

Frequency Management, ECA and Satellites, The Working Group Numbering and Networks, ECO, CEPT


Thomas Weber joined the European Communications Office in 2010 as expert for spectrum management and is the chairman of the WG FM Maintenance Group on Short Range Devices (SRD/MG). He is also responsible for the frequency management project teams in the WGFM dealing with spectrum monitoring, PMR/PAMR, satellite services, direct-air-to-ground communications and the European Common Allocations Table.

Before that, he worked for the Federal Network Agency in Germany in 2001-2010 and was the chairman of several ETSI standardisation groups dealing with ITS, PMR, DMR, GSM-R and UWB as well as the chairman for the DIN/DKE German National standardisation committee on radio devices. He also worked several years for several satellite operators and in the industry in satellite communications. He holds a degree in Communications Engineering acquired at the University of Applied Sciences in Dieburg, Germany.

Alessandro Bassi

Alessandro Bassi

Technical Coordinator, IoT-A project, Hitachi


Alessandro Bassi graduated in Computer Science from the University in Milan in 1994, with soft computing and software engineering as majors.

He joined Amadeus in January 1997, and he moved to the University of Tennessee in 2000, where he was involved in the seminal work of the Internet Backplane Protocol. From 2002 he then held a Research Visitor position at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Lyon, France. After working one year for RIPE NCC, in November 2004 he joined Hitachi Europe.

Since September 2010 an Independent Consultant, working on topics related to Internet of Things technologies.

He was the deputy project coordinator of the FP5 6QM project, and the project coordinator of the FP7 "Autonomic Internet" project.

Since 2005, his research interests are focused on the integration of autonomic properties into ad-hoc networks, RFID technologies and, more broadly, the Internet of Things.

Since 2007 he is the chair of the Internet of Things WG of the European Technology Platform "EpoSS", focused on Smart Systems Integration. In this function, he co-organised, together with the European Commission, a number of events including the workshop "Beyond RFID - The Internet of Things", held in Brussels in 2008. He is an expert for ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency, on possible threats coming from the adoption of IoT technologies, and he was part of the group that wrote the Strategic Research Agenda on Future Internet.
Currently, he is the Technical Coordinator of the lighthouse project regarding the Internet of Things in the Framework Programme 7, 'Internet of Things - Architecture" (IoT-A).

Gilles Monniaux

Gilles Monniaux

Lead Consultant, Analysys Mason


Gilles Monniaux is a consultant with over 10 years of experience in telecoms. Based in Analysys Mason’s office in Cambridge (UK), Gilles has particular experience in financial and business modelling, spectrum management, general regulation, and fixed and mobile cost modelling. Prior to joining Analysys Mason in 2007, he worked as a technical consultant for Lore Consulting in Paris (France). Gilles holds a Master’s Degree in Engineering and Telecommunications from ENST de Bretagne (France), an M.Sc. in Microwaves and Optoelectronics from University College London (UK) and an MBA from the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan (USA), where he concentrated on strategy and finance.

Meimei Dang

Meimei Dang

Deputy Chief Engineer for Communications Standard Research Institute, China Academy of Telecommunication Research


Dang Meimei, deputy chief engineer of the Institute of Communication Standards Research (ICSR) of China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR). She is also the Chair of the Wireless Access Working Group (WG3), Wireless Communication Technical Committee (TC5) of China Communications Standards Association (CCSA).

After Graduation from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) with a B.S. degree, she joined CATR. She has rich experience in telecommunication research and has been putting her efforts on research and standardization of broadband network, wireless access, short-range wireless communications and new technologies. In recent years, she has engaged herself in research on the Internet of Things.

Marika Konings

Marika Konings

Senior Policy Director, ICANN


Marika Konings joined ICANN in July 2008 as Policy Director. In this capacity she will be managing policy development activities in support of the GNSO. Prior to joining ICANN she was Director of European Affairs for the Cyber Security Industry Alliance. Previously, Marika spent seven years as senior consultant for a Brussels-based public affairs consultancy, where she represented health care and technology clients. Marika is a Dutch national and has a degree from the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, in Culture and Sciences and a Master's Degree in European Political and Administrative Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium.

Martin Adolph

Martin Adolph

Programme Officer, International Telecommunication Union


Martin Adolph is Programme Officer in ITU’s Standardization Policy and Technology Watch Division. Since joining the organization in 2007, he has played an active role in launching ITU’s work on ICT and climate change, and in organizing annual CTO meetings, bringing together ITU’s management with global ICT leaders.

Martin is responsible for ITU-T’s Technology Watch, which surveys the ICT environment to capture new topics for standardization activities. Fascinated with innovation and new technologies, he authored several Technology Watch Reports on topics such as biometrics, cloud computing, sensor networks. He is also acting as technical advisor to ITU Kaleidoscope, an academic conference on innovation and standards in ICT.

Martin holds a diploma in computer science from Dresden University of Technology, and one in engineering from Ecole Centrale Paris.

Robert Istepanian

Robert Istepanian

Professor of Data Communications and Director of MINT, Kingston University, London


Biography to appear here shortly...

John Curran

John Curran

President and CEO, ARIN


John Curran is the President and CEO of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), responsible for leading the organization in its mission of managing the distribution of Internet number resources in its geographic region. He was also a founder of ARIN and served as its Chairman from inception through early 2009.

John’s experience in the Internet industry includes serving as CTO and COO for ServerVault, which provides highly secure, fully managed infrastructure solutions for sensitive federal government and commercial applications. Prior to this, he was CTO for XO Communications, and was integral in leading the organization’s technical initiatives, network architecture, and design of leading-edge capabilities built into the company’s nationwide network. Mr. Curran also served as CTO for BBN/GTE Internetworking, where he was responsible for the organization’s strategic technology direction. He led BBN’s technical evolution from one of the earliest Internet Service Providers through its growth and eventual acquisition by GTE.

He has also been an active participant in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), having both co-chaired the IETF Operations and Network Management Area and served as a member of the IPng (IPv6) Directorate.


Rob  van Kranenburg

Rob van Kranenburg

Founder, Council


Rob van Kranenburg is an innovation and media theorist involved with negociability strategies of new technologies and artistic practice, predominantly ubicomp and RFID, the relationship between the formal and informal in cultural and economic policy, and the requirements for a sustainable cultural economy. He has been teaching at various schools in the Netherlands (UvA, EMMA Interaction Design, Industrial Design) and has worked at several Dutch cultural institutions; de Balie, Doors of Perception and Virtual Platform. Until April 1 2009 he was Head of Public Domain at Waag Society. Currently he teaches at Frank Mohr and Fontys Ambient Intelligence. He lives in Ghent, Belgium. With friends he has set up Council, a consultancy/thinktank on the Internet of Things for governments, cities and citizens.

Robert Schumann

Robert Schumann

Manager, Analysys Mason


Robert Schumann's expertise is in business planning, financial modelling and cost analysis. As a member of Analysys Mason's Regulation and Costing group, he has worked for regulators and operators in Africa, Europe and Asia, implementing regulatory frameworks, advising on policy issues and supporting pricing decisions.

He has also worked on numerous projects to evaluate investments in support of debt and equity transactions. Robert's academic background is in physics and computing, and he holds a doctorate in the field of quantum computing from the University of Oxford.




Tue 28 June, 2011 08.30 to
Wed 29 June, 2011 17.30




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