Speaker Biographies
Full speaker biographies from the conference appear below.
Jyrki Katainen
Vice President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, European Commission
Jyrki Katainen is currently Vice President of the European Commission responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness. He joined the college in July 2014 as Vice-President for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the euro.
Before that he served as Prime Minister of Finland, 2011 - 2014 and Minister of Finance, 2007 - 2011. He was Member of Finnish Parliament 1999 - 2014 for the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus).
He was Member of the Finnish Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly 2003 - 2007, Member of the Administrative Council of the Finnish Broadcasting Company 2003 - 2005, Member of the Finish Delegation to the Western European Union Parliamentary Assembly 2004 - 2005 and the Deputy Member of the Finnish Delegation to the Nordic Council 2001 -2003.
Jyrki Katainen has MSc in Political Science from the University of Tampere, Finland (1998) and he did an Erasmus exchange year at the University of Leicester, UK.
Marzena Rogalska
Director of the Directorate for Single Market for Public Administrations, DG GROW, European Commission
Marzena Rogalska, European Commission, Director – Single Market for Public Administration in the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Enterpreneurship and SMEs. In 2015-2016 EU Research Fellow at Harvard University (Weatherhead Center for International Affairs) working on impact investing/sustainable finance issues. In 2010-2013 Member of Cabinet of the Energy Commissioner in charge of energy efficiency and energy research.
Prior to that, she worked in the European Parliament and for the regional and national administration in Poland, including Gdansk Governor's Office, Ministry of Finance and Chancellery of Prime Minister. She represented the Polish Government at the Council of Europe to the Bureau of anti-money laundering committee. Her experience in the private sector is within the manufacturing, energy and telecom sectors. Educated at Gdansk University and Diplomatic Academy in Vienna, she holds a master's degree in English Literature and a postgraduate diploma in International Economic Relations as well as an additional postgraduate diploma in banking and finance from the Ecole de Commerce de Rouen and Politechnika Gdanska.
Marc Tarabella
Member, European Parliament
Marc Tarabella is Mayor of Anthisnes (Belgium) since 1994 and Member of the European Parliament since 2004, function interrupted in 2007 when appointed Minister of Formation, Education, Youth and Social Promotion.
In 2009, he was re-elected as MEP. He is full member of the Agriculture committee (AGRI) and substitute member of the Internal market and consumer protection committee (IMCO) and of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM).
He was rapporteur for the successful public procurement directive in 2011. His major fights are, among others: Gender equality, consumer protection (food labelling, net neutrality, protection of personal data), the defence of farmer’s rights.
Since September 2014, he is also the co-President of the Sport Intergroup of the European Parliament in which issues like corruption, doping, attribution criteria of sport events are dealt with in the presence of major actors of the sport sector.
Kestutis Sadauskas
Director of Circular Economy and Green Growth, DG ENV, European Commission
Kęstutis Sadauskas is a Lithuanian national.
He holds Master degrees from Vilnius University in Political Science/International Relations and Geography.From 1993 until 2006 he worked at the Lithuanian Foreign Service on multilateral issues. In September 2006 Kęstutis Sadauskas was appointed Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Vilnius.
From April 2010 until October 2014 he was Head of the Cabinet of Commissioner Algirdas Šemeta responsible for Taxation, Customs, Anti-fraud, Audit, and Statistics.
From November 2014 Kęstutis Sadauskas has been the Director for Circular Economy and Green Growth at the DG Environment of the European Commission.
Aongus Hegarty
President Europe, Middle East and Africa, Dell EMC
Aongus Hegarty serves as President of Dell EMC for Europe Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Responsible for business and strategy across the region, he leads a team of sales, solutions and services professionals serving customers across 120 countries. Aongus has established a strong and balanced multi-channel go-to-market across the region, including building out a substantial business in Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East, Turkey & Africa.
Following a series of acquisitions by Dell, Aongus is directing the successful integration of numerous acquired businesses into Dell’s existing operational and organisational structure, including the combination with EMC, creating the largest privately controlled technology company.
As the leader for Dell EMC in EMEA, Aongus is an active industry spokesperson in many external business forums, and has on-going relationships with key analysts and media. He is also executive sponsor for Dell’s Global Giving Council in the region; directing the investment of important funding to not-for-profit organisations and a lead advocate for corporate social responsibility and sustainability.
Inger Ek
Director General, Upphandlingsmyn digheten/ The National Agency for Public Procurement Sweden
Inger Ek, was appointed Director-General for the Swedish National Agency for Public Procurement in April 2016. Prior to this, Inger was the Chief Executive Officer for the city of Gothenburg’s Procurement Company for eight years.
She was previously a Procurement Manager and Administrative Manager at the City of Mölndal, and prior to that an Administrative Lawyer at the Swedish Transport Administration.
Inger holds a degree in law from Lund University in Sweden.
Deborah Albers
Vice President, Responsible Business Alliance
Deborah Albers is Vice President at the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), formerly the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC). Deborah's role includes Strategic Development across the organization including the new programs and services for members as well as our work involving public procurement. Understanding the global landscape in these areas and communicating the associated opportunities and risks to the RBA membership is a key part of her role.
Prior to RBA, Deborah held the position of Principal Social Strategist for Dell Inc. During her 16 years at Dell she was responsible for Stakeholder Engagement and Social Responsibility. In addition to risk mitigation and engaging with stakeholders, she was responsible for reporting on Dell’s progress and challenges through channels such as the annual Sustainability Report, public speaking opportunities and various social media channels. She served on the Board of Directors for the RBA from 2009-2014. Prior to joining Dell in 1999, Deborah was the Operations Manager at RSVP, a startup company in Silicon Valley, California.
Deborah has undergraduate and Doctorate degrees in Naturopathy from Clayton College of Natural Health. She also has a Black Belt and Green Belt in business process improvement. She lives with her family in Austin TX, where she has been happily married for 28 years, has two children and two grandchildren.
Follow Deborah on Twitter: @Deb4CSR
Ilse Beneke
Head of Competence Centre for Sustainable Procurement, German Federal Ministry of the Interior
Ilse Beneke is head of the Competence Centre for Sustainable Procurement at the procurement office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. With a team of 6 people, her job at the Competence Centre is to foster the implementation of sustainability aspects in public procurement in Germany and to provide practical help to all public contracting authorities.
Being a lawyer, she started her career at the Ministry of Ecology, Health and Consumer Protection for the Federal State of Brandenburg. As one of her last activities there, she was responsible for the partnership between the Government of the Federal State of Brandenburg and the business- and craft associations, addressing and fostering an eco-friendly economic behaviour.
Her enthusiasm to form a sustainable and future-orientated society led her to complete extra-occupational master-studies dealing with "Responsible Management".
Louise Koch
Corporate Sustainability Director, Dell EMC
Louise Koch is the Corporate Sustainability Director for Dell EMC in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Her work is driven by a passion to build a better world through business. Louise believes that business holds an unlimited potential to develop sustainable solutions by activating the power of innovation, business thinking, and global relations.
Louise is the focal point for Dell’s corporate sustainability in EMEA, working closely with colleagues, customers and partners to share and develop Dell’s corporate sustainability program and identify new opportunities for business development through sustainability. As part of this role, Louise is driving a team of CSR Leads across Europe, providing insights for global strategy development in Dell, and engaging in government affairs dialogue on sustainable development policies, including advancing circular economy and sustainability in public procurement.
Louise is an appointed member of the Danish Government’s Council for Sustainable Business & the UN Global Goals and serves as the Chairman of the Sustainability Council in the IT Industry Association in Denmark as well as a member of the Sustainability Council of the IT & Tele Industry Association in Sweden. In both positions, she is actively involved in policy dialogue with a particular focus on advancing sustainability in public procurement of IT solutions.
She is also a recognized international expert on CSR and sustainable business development. Louise is a Member of Faculty at University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability in Leadership, and a well-known speaker in media and at international CSR and sustainability conferences across Europe.
Prior to joining Dell, Louise was Head of CSR for the Confederation of Danish Enterprise, where she built a dynamic platform for CSR and sustainable business development, counselling member companies on strategic CSR and driving public affairs issues in Denmark and the EU. She also served as a board member of the Danish Ethical Trade initiative and a national expert in the ICC Commission on CSR and Anti-corruption.
In February 2016 Louise was listed as the Global 100 Most Impactful CSR Leaders by the organisation World CSR Day. She holds a master degree in Anthropology and innovation from the University of Copenhagen.
Peter Nohrstedt
Sustainability Manager, SKL Kommentus Central Procurement Board
Peter has worked with green and sustainable public procurement (GPP/SPP) for more than 15 years, partly in Stockholm MFO AB (company owned by Stockholm City), partly in the EKU delegation (Swedish Government appointed Committee on GPP), partly in SEMCo where he spent 11 years (the Swedish Environmental Management Council), partly in the Swedish Competition Authority and since 2015 in SKL Kommentus AB. During these years, his main target groups were public procurement and its suppliers. His responsibilities have primarily been to develop and build up environment support for public procurement in Sweden but he also contributed to the EU GPP support through his membership in the EU GPP advisory group.
Kilian Moote
Project Director, Know the Chain
Kilian is an expert in supply chain transparency and legal disclosure. He is the Project Director for KnowTheChain, a Humanity United project dedicated to helping businesses and investors understand and address labor abuses within their supply chains. In this role he oversees all aspects of KnowTheChain’s strategy, publications, and business engagement. Kilian also leads some of Humanity United’s work to inform and engage investors on how to align their assets with their commitment to labor and human rights. He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies and used that experience to create guidance documents and engagement best practices for national governments, including the U.S. Government and the European Commission. Kilian has lectured at the University of San Francisco, where he developed and taught a new MBA course on Sustainable Supply Chain Management.
Sören Enholm
CEO, TCO Development
Sören Enholm is the CEO of TCO Development, the organization behind TCO Certified, the sustainability certification for IT products. IT buyers and manufacturers worldwide use TCO Certified to make more sustainable choices. TCO Certified has a circular approach with focus on extending the life span of IT products and includes a wide range of environmental and social responsibility criteria throughout the product life cycle. Product models and their manufacturing facilities are independently verified for compliance. Sören has been working in the IT industry for more than 20 years, at companies like Sun Microsystems, Apple and Netscape. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Uppsala University, Sweden, and is a passionate advocate for more sustainable IT products on the market.
Peter Defranceschi
Head of Brussels Office, ICLEI
Peter Defranceschi has been working for over 12 years for ICLEI, an international and European organisation of cities committed to integrated sustainable development. He is heading the ICLEI Office in Brussels representing urban sustainability issues vis-à-vis European institutions and other strategic stakeholders.
Since he joined ICLEI, Peter has been working on sustainable public procurement, climate change (mitigation and adaptation), biodiversity, water, mobility and food.
He has given over 60 trainings on sustainable public procurement across Europe. Over the past years, his focus has been on including innovation, circular economy, low carbon and social issues into cost-effective public purchasing.
Peter is Italian and lawyer by training. Before joining ICLEI he had been working in various organisations in Europe and Latin America, dealing also with human rights issues.
Farid Yaker
Programme Officer, United Nations Environment Economy Division
Farid Yaker has been in charge of sustainable public procurement (SPP) at UN Environment, Economy division, Paris since 2008. He represents UN Environment on the Advisory Committee of the One Planet SPP Programme and oversees the implementation of ground projects aimed at assisting member states in the implementation of SPP.
Mr Yaker taught Agricultural economics at the University of Blida, Algeria from 1988 to 1990 before joining the international NGO Enda (Environmental development action) after the Rio summit that he attended in 1992. After managing an international programme on the promotion of participatory approaches in the field of urban environment from 1994 to 1999, Mr Yaker took the direction of the European office of Enda, from 2000 to 2007, before joining UNEP in 2008.
Mr Yaker holds a Masters Degree in Agricultural economics from the University of California at Davis, USA
Björn Claeson
Director, Electronics Watch
Based in Sweden, Björn Claeson is Director of Electronics Watch, an independent monitoring organisation that helps public sector organisations work together and collaborate with civil society monitors in production regions to protect the rights of workers in their electronics supply chains. More than 300 public buyers in Europe coordinate factory monitoring and industry engagement through Electronics Watch to maximise impact and lower cost. Björn has more than 15 years’ experience addressing public procurement and labour rights in global supply chains. He has worked in the United States, coordinating national advocacy aimed at using taxpayer money to protect workers' rights in global supply chains, and supporting public sector buyers to address labour rights in their apparel supply chains. He is trained in cultural anthropology with a Ph. D. from the Johns Hopkins University.
Björn also served as Senior Policy Analyst with the Washington DC based International Labor Rights Forum, authoring several reports on labour rights and safety in Bangladeshi apparel factories. He is trained in cultural anthropology with a Ph. D. from the Johns Hopkins University.
Linda Scott Jakobsson
Researcher, Swedwatch
Linda Scott Jakobsson is a researcher and public procurement specialist at not-for-profit organization Swedwatch. Linda has long term experience of working with contracting authorities on sustainable public procurement in Sweden, in particular how human rights criteria can be incorporated into the procurement process.
Thomas de Jonghe
Procurement Advisor, City of Ghent, Belgium
Thomas De Jonghe is procurement advisor for the City of Ghent, Belgium, investigating ways to integrate the sustainability questions within all public procurement contracts for the City. The City of Ghent was one of the first cities to create a validated public procurement strategy with a strong emphasis on sustainability goals. From there onwards the City has worked hard on translating the strategy to an operational level and facilitating innovative procedures to push the market towards sustainable solutions.
Nancy Gillis
CEO, Green Electronics Council
Ms. Gillis has more than 20 years’ experience leveraging sustainability to increase competitiveness, reduce risk and foster innovation in both public and private sector organizations. Prior to joining the Green Electronics Council, Nancy was the Global Lead for Resilient and Responsible Supply Chains with Ernst & Young (EY) and managed sustainable procurement engagements for Fortune 100 companies.
She joined EY from the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), the U.S. Federal Government’s procurement agency that oversees approximately $45 billion of annual spend. At GSA, she served as the Director of the Federal Supply Chain office, responsible for expanding the use of sustainability criteria and ecolabels in federal procurements.
Nancy has a graduate degree in Communications Technology from Georgetown University.
Brian Maguire
Journalist, EBX Media
Brussels-based journalist, producer and broadcaster, Brian Maguire, specialises in European politics and business; producing short documentary films exploring Europe’s competing policy dimensions.
Brian hosts live radio and television debates with European Commissioners, Members of the European Parliament and independent experts, and was co-anchor for one of the live European Presidential debates during the 2014 elections.
A graduate in Government and Law, he has worked across a broad range of publications, especially within the business-to- business sector. A specialist in corporate and political communications, his clients include start-ups, SMEs, blue chip companies, and NGOs with a human rights focus.
Follow on Twitter: @BrianMaguireEU
Tuesday 27 November, 2018
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