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Discussion Forum

The ideas and input you provide here should feed directly into the content of the RIAD Congress.


How does this work?

Once you have registered with HackPad, to provide your input, simply click on the notepad below and get typing! Keep in mind this is a collaborative platform. Other participants will see your submissions. This is important because not only will the content you provide feed into the conference agenda, but it will also serve as a knowledge engine, generating ideas and questions before and after the event.  


What are we asking you to do?

What we don't want are long statements. It's important to keep your contributions concise and relevant to the topic area. If you do wish to provide further background materials, feel free to post a link to this content/ article. We are looking for specific solutions to problems. You can return and edit contributions over time.




Thu 6 October, 2016 13.00 to
Fri 7 October, 2016 16.45




Le Westin Montréal

270 St. Antoine Ouest, Montreal, Quebec H2Y 0A3, Canada

Google location map



RIAD 2016 Sponsorship Brochure

RIAD Congress 2016 Program