2015 Conference
For the 10th consecutive year, the European Spectrum Management Conference took place in Brussels, bringing together more that 250 top level speakers and delegates from throughout the European and global spectrum communities.
You can also view a selection of photographs from the conference here.
More Information
The 10th Annual Spectrum Management European Conference brought together representatives from all the major stakeholders for a detailed and interactive discussion on key issues and developments relating to spectrum management policy in Europe.
Sessions at the event included:
- WRC-15 – what regional positions have emerged in Europe and around the world following CPM15-2?
- What are the key strategic spectrum considerations for policymakers in Europe as we move towards the development of the internal telecoms market, and the expected release of the 2nd RSPP in 2016?
- Allocation of 700Mhz band – what is the status in different countries across the EU?
- Offloading and beyond – creating an environment to support the explosive growth in data and deliver wireless innovation
- Backhaul - meeting the high bandwidth demands at the edge of the network
- Best practice in auctions and spectrum awards
- Innovative Technologies and Policies to improve spectrum efficiency
- What is the shape of the mobile eco-system likely to be post WRC-15, and which are likely to be the key frequency bands?
- What role can new technologies such as carrier aggregation and supplementary downlink play in increasing spectrum efficiency?
- Looking back and looking forward - The changing face of spectrum management 2005 - 2025
For full details of last year's conference, please click here.
Wed 22 June, 2016 09.00 to
Thu 23 June, 2016 17.00
Rue de l'Aqueduc 118, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 543 21 00
The 11th Annual European Spectrum Management Conference - Sponsorship Brochure
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