Smart2Wheels - Tackling Europe's Urban Mobility Challenges: What Can Cycling do for European Cities?
On the 22nd September 2011 in Brussels on the occasion of Mobility Week, ETRA (The European Twowheel Retailers' Association) and Forum Europe, in association with the Netherlands Embassy to the EU, the Greens/EFA Group and UEAPME, hosted an exhibition of innovative bicycles and other two-wheelers outside the European Parliament (on the Esplanade), followed by a half day debate bringing together participants from European and local authorities as well as from the bicycle business at the Netherlands Embassy.
For further information on the event, including video highlights and further event photos, please go to
Tuesday 18 September, 2012
09.00 to 16.30
Esplanade of the European Parliament
Rue Wiertz 60
1047 Brussels