The role of companies in stress management and work-life balance of their employees
Stress is frequently reported as a major work-related health problem in Europe causing the majority of all lost working days. Work-related stress has detrimental effects on employees’ well-being and its impacts extend far beyond. A constant high level of stressed employees can jeopardize an organization’s productivity, and affect the overall performance of companies and society’s welfare.
Helping employees manage stress levels and maintain work-life balance can efficiently reduce absenteeism (as well as presenteeism), lack of satisfaction and staff turnover, and prevent other serious and harmful problems in the long run. Work-related stress and psychosocial risks can be successfully assessed and managed. However, it is estimated that more than one quarter of Europeans suffered from some form of work-family conflict.
Work-life balance is a broad and complex phenomenon referring to the equilibrium between the time and the involvement of an individual between his professional and social roles. Therefore, fostering work-life balance and reducing stress in the workplace is a two-way street involving not only employees but also employers. According to Commissioner László Andor “Stress can and should be managed, and employers and workers organisations must work together to better protect and promote mental health at work.” Companies can for instance sensitize about work-life balance issues at the workplace, develop policies that acknowledge the association between work-related stress and mental health encourage healthy practices notably about time constraints and workload, monitor and audit regularly their practices...
This eighth Policies and Practices’ session, that will take place on the course of the European Week for Safety and Health at Work -within the framework of the " Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress " campaign of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)- will focus on:
-The definition of work-related stress and work-life balance concepts,
- The role of each stakeholder (public authorities, employers and employees) to reduce levels of work-life conflicts,
-Efficient practices in the workplace helping employees to better manage their stress and to cope with their social duties.”
Speakers addressing these issues include:
Dr. F. Jesús Alvarez Hidalgo, Deputy Head of Unit on Health, Safety and Hygiene at Work, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
Dr. Francisco Jesús Álvarez Hidalgo is Medical Doctor. Since 1994, he is an official of the European Commission, holding currently the position of Deputy Head of the Unit "Health, Safety and Hygiene at Work" within the Directorate General “Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion” in Luxembourg. Dr. Alvarez is in charge of the overall coordination of the Occupational Health area and the relationships with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Dr. Alvarez has a broad experience in Occupational Health, and has also worked as a director of several public hospitals in Spain.
Stephan Atsou, Director Continental Europe from CrossKnowledge
Stephan Atsou joined CrossKnowledge in 2007, where he is in charge of operations for Continental Europe. CrossKnowledge is the European Leader in distance learning solutions and enables organisations to successfully evolve by developing each individual. It offers integrated solutions drawing on exclusive learning formats, amongst the most sought after content in the world and a range of accompanying services, according to an organisation's needs.
Stephan Atsou started his career as a teacher and was a pioneer in online learning in Belgium. His passion for innovative learning solutions and expertise on the evolution of corporate e-learning earns him regular invitation as guest speaker to Pan-European Conferences. He is also co-author of "e-learning: a solution for your company" (Edipro, 2009). |
Friday 5 July, 2024
Virtual Event - Zoom