Conference Reports
We will publish the reports from our most recent Policies & Practices events on this page, please click the link below to see the conference report. Please check back after the events have passed for more information.
In 2012:
Demographic changes: health care and services for childcare and an ageing population (Job opportunities in 2020)
How to integrate adapted CSR policies in SMEs ? (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resources (HR) : complementarities of policies within companies)
In 2013:
Development of PPP in social policies (The development of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) for common interest)
Personal and household services: inclusion of workers and job opportunities within the formal economy (Job opportunities in 2020)
Promoting a balanced diet in the workplace (The development of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) for common interest)
Transparency in development policies (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resources (HR) : complementarities of policies within companies)
In 2014:
Decent Work: access and quality of long-term care (Job opportunities in 2020)
The role of companies in stress management and work-life balance of their employees (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resources (HR) : complementarities of policies within companies)
In 2015:
Innovation: a way to fight against dependency at local level? (The development of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) for common interest)
How to tackle efficiently undeclared work? Prevention versus punishment (Job opportunities in 2020)
Facts and Figures in health promotion at the workplace – Special focus on nutrition (Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resources: policy complementarities within companies)
PPPs to ensure food security and agricultural development (The development of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) for common interest)
In 2016:
The implementation of the youth guarantee scheme: an employment booster for young Europeans? (Job opportunities in 2020)
Motivation and retention of employees: a new “old” challenge for companies? (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resources (HR): policy complementarities within companies)
In 2017:
How can PPPs ease health promotion at the workplace? (The development of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) for common interest)
Gender equality: still an issue for women at work? (Job opportunities in 2020)
In 2018:
Boosting sustainable consumption and behaviour: the eco-chèque, a Belgian practice involving employers into public policy (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resources (HR): policy complementarities within companies)
Investing in social infrastructure in Europe: what role can PPPs play? (The development of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) for common interest)
In 2022:
Friday 5 July, 2024
Virtual Event - Zoom