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Conference Photos

Keynote Session: Carl-Christian Buhr, Pilar del Castillo Vera, Ambassador William E. Kennard, Ricky Santos and the moderator of the session, Staffan Jerneck Carl-Christian Buhr, Member of VP Kroes Cabinet, European Commission Carl-Christian Buhr, addressing the European Commission's perspective on Cloud Computing
Ambassador William E. Kennard, US Ambassador to the EU, US Mission to the EU Ambassador Kennard, sharing the US viewpoints on Cloud Computing in Europe and globally William E. Kennard, US Ambassador to the EU
Pilar del Castillo Vera, Member of the European Parliament MEP Pilar del Castillo Vera addressing the European Parliament's perspective on Cloud Computing Pilar del Castillo Vera, MEP
Ricky Santos, Vice-President Global Cloud Solutions Ricky Santos from Dell, delivering the keynote centred on Industry perspective Ricky Santos from Dell
Staffan Jerneck, Director for Corporate Relations at CEPS, and moderator of the Keynote session Keynote speakers during the Q&A session with the audience Carl-Christian Buhr, answering questions from the audience
Ambassador Kennard answering questions from the audience Pila del Castillo Vera, during the Q&A Session Session 1- The Cloud: a means of realising European economic growth?
MEP, Ivailo Kalfin André Richier, Policy Officer, DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission Nigel Hickson, Head of EU and International ICT Policy, UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills  MEP Ivailo Kalfin, André Richier, Staffan Jerneck
Joe Baguley, Chief Cloud Technologist EMEA, VMware Mark Lange, Senior Policy Counsel, Microsoft  223 participants attended The 2012 European Cloud Computing Conference
Refreshment and exhibition areas offered the delegates and speakers the opportunities to discuss the topics debates further and to network Session 2 - Security and privacy regulatory challenges in the Cloud: Simplifying the legislative minefield. Nicolas Dubois, Policy Officer , Data Protection Unit, DG Justice, European Commission
Giovanni Buttarelli, Assistant Supervisor, European Data Protection Supervisor  Joseph Alhadeff, Vice President of Global Public Policy and Chief Privacy Officer, Oracle  Joan Antokol, Managing Partner, Park Legal LLC
Craig Silliman, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Verizon Communications  Silvia-Adriana Ticau, Member of European Parliament and moderator of the session Panellists of Session 2
Panellists of Session 2, also received questions from the audience Dell was exhibiting at the conference Session 3 – Delivering a coordinated Cloud infrastructure in Europe: the importance of funding, research and innovation.
Rainer Zimmermann, Head of Unit for Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures, DG INFSO, European Commission  Christian Morales, Vice President General Manager EMEA, Intel Corporation  Jurry de la Mar, Head of International Sales - Public Sector, T-Systems International
Camilla Grynnerup Fisker, Project Manager for the Danish Cloud Computing Initiatives in the Digitisation Agency, Danish Ministry of Finance  Bernd Becker, Vice President, Eurocloud Europe  Magnus Franklin, Journalist at MLex and moderator of the third session
Magnus Frankin, Jurry de la Mar, Camilla Grynnerup Fisker Microsoft exhibition space T-Systems exhibition space
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Wednesday 21 March, 2012
08.30 to 18.00




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