Conference Programme
Wednesday 19 October, 2011
08:30 – 09:00
Coffee and Registration
09:00 – 10:40
I. Keynote Presentations
Moderator for morning sessions:
Chantale LaCasse,
Senior Vice President,
09:00 – 09:25
Keynote Presentation
Speaker to be confirmed
09:25 – 09:50
Keynote Presentation
Lawrence Strickling,
Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information,
09:50 – 10:15
Keynote Presentation
Héctor Olavarría Tapia,
Undersecretary for Communications of Mexico and Chairman,
10:15 – 10:40
Keynote Presentation: The benefit of closer co-operation between Europe and the Americas on spectrum policy
Mike Byrne,
Radio Spectrum Policy Group, European Union
10:40 – 11:00
Morning Break
11:00 – 12:45
II. The 700MHz band plan – Should countries in the Americas follow the US model or develop their own contiguous band plan?
The USA has led the world in awarding digital dividend spectrum for mobile broadband at 700 MHz. However, its band plan is highly fragmented, which limits the flexibility of users to exploit contiguous bandwidths for high-speed services. Should other countries in the Americas follow the US plan or develop their own contiguous band plans? If they go in a different direction, what implications would this have for handset availability and equipment economies of scale? What border co-ordination issues would be raised if Canada and Mexico develop a different plan from the USA, and how could these be resolved? To what degree could these concerns be overcome in view of proposals in Asia and the Middle East for a contiguous 700MHz band?
11:00 – 11:15
Rival band plans for 700 MHz
Sebastián M. Cabello,
GSMA Latin America
11:15 – 12:45
High Level Roundtable Discussion
Rick Kaplan,
Chief of the Wireless Telecommunication Bureau,
Marc Dupuis,
Director General, Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch,
Industry Canada
Héctor Olavarría Tapia,
Undersecretary for Communications of Mexico and Chairman,
Sebastián M. Cabello,
GSMA Latin America
Dean Brenner,
Vice President, Government Affairs,
12:45 – 14:00
14:00 – 15:45
III. Finding and putting to use spectrum for the Broadband Age
Demand for high speed wireless broadband is growing at an unprecedented rate. As a result, policy makers are under pressure to identify new frequency bands that can be used to expand services. Initiatives are already underway in many countries, including the USA. Are policy makers moving fast enough? Will the spectrum that they identify for release be useful?
14:00 – 14:15
The US Spectrum Inventory: Mapping current and future spectrum availability and demand
Matthew Hussey,
Telecommunications Advisor,
Office of Senator Olympia Snowe
14:15 – 14:30
Case Study - Dominican Republic - How will additional spectrum help to ensure the whole population has access to the Internet?
José Alfredo Rizek,
Minister, Telecommunications Advisor to the President of the Dominican Republic,
Government of the Dominican Republic
14:30 – 15:45
Panel discussion: Are regulators identifying the right spectrum bands to support wireless broadband?
Above speakers plus:
Charla Rath,
Vice President, Wireless Policy Development,
Kristin due Hauge,
Director, Spectrum Policy,
John Kneuer,
President and Founder,
JKC Consulting LLC
Andres Maz,
Executive Director of Advanced Technology Policy,
Cisco Systems, Inc.
15:45 – 16:05
Afternoon Break
16:05 – 17:45
Delegates can choose to attend either Breakout Session 1 or Breakout Session 2. Details can be found below.
BREAKOUT SESSION 1: What role can whitespace and dynamic use of spectrum play in maximising spectrum efficiency?
BREAKOUT SESSION 2: Bridging the rural divide - using radio spectrum to improve mobile broadband coverage in rural areas.
16:10 – 17:45
Breakout 1: What role can whitespace and dynamic use of spectrum play in maximising spectrum efficiency?
Moderator: Ambassador David A. Gross, Partner, Wiley Rein LLC
04:10pm – 04:20pm Presentation – The Commercialisation and Roll-out of Whitespace Technologies in the U.S
Richard S. Whitt, Director and Managing Counsel for Telecom and Media Policy, Google, Inc.
04:20pm – 04:30pm Presentation – Developing a policy model to maximise the benefit of whitespace and dynamic use of spectrum
Julius Knapp, Chief of the Office of Engineering Technology (OET), FCC
04:30pm – 04:40pm Presentation – Avoiding Interference
Michael Marcus, Director, Marcus Spectrum Solutions LLC
04:40pm – 04:50pm Presentation – Smart Grids: The Utilisation of whitespace technology for real world applications
George Flammer, Chief Scientist, Silver Spring Networks
04:50pm – 05:45pm Panel Discussion
Julius Knapp,
Chief of the Office of Engineering Technology ,
George Flammer,
Chief Scientist,
Silver Spring Networks
Darrin Mylet,
Business Operations,
Richard S.Whitt,
Director and Managing Counsel for Telecom and Media Policy,
Google, Inc.
Michael Marcus,
Marcus Spectrum Solutions LLC
16:10 – 17:45
Breakout 2: Bridging the rural divide - using radio spectrum to improve mobile broadband coverage in rural areas
Moderator: Amit Nagpal, Partner, Aetha Consulting
04:10pm – 04:25pm CASE STUDY: Delivering universal service provision in the US
Jonathan S. Adelstein, Administrator, Rural Utilities Service, US Department of Agriculture
04:25pm – 04:40pm CASE STUDY: The Rural Internet Network: All of Chile Connected
Representative, Entel Chile*
04:30pm – 05:45pm Panel discussion: Bridging the digital divide – what policies and technologies will be most effective?
Amit Nagpal,
Aetha Consulting
Jonathan S. Adelstein,
Administrator, Rural Utilities Service,
US Department of Agriculture
Mark Uncapher,
Director, Regulatory and Government Affairs,
Telecommunications Industry Association
Andrew Gorton,
Group Head of Regulatory Affairs,
Jennifer A. Warren,
Vice President, Technology & Policy Regulation, Government & Regulatory Affairs,
Lockheed Martin
17:45 – 19:30
Cocktail Reception
Thursday 20 October, 2011
08:30 – 08:55
Coffee and Registration
08:55 – 12:40
V. Spectrum Auctions
09:00 – 11:00
i. How successful have spectrum auctions in the Americas been to date? What auction formats should be used?
The next few years will see a new wave of spectrum auctions across the Americas, as new bands are made available for mobile broadband and established bands are refarmed. What lessons can policy makers and bidders learn from past auctions, both within and beyond the Americas? Can new innovations in spectrum auction design recently introduced in Europe, such as package bidding and generic lots, be applied effectively in the Americas?
Richard Marsden,
Vice President,
09:00 – 09:15
Introductory presentation: An overview of recent auctions worldwide
Maria Maher,
Senior Consultant,
09:15 – 09:30
Case Study: Canada
Johanne Lemay,
Lemay-Yates Associates, Inc.
09:30 – 09:45
Case Study: Mexico
Gustavo Cantú,
Corporate Vice-President,
Nextel Mexico
09:45 – 10:00
Innovations in spectrum auction design – do new tools such as package bidding and generic lots help or hinder bidders?
David McAdams,
Associate Professor,
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
10:00 – 10:15
Implementing Effective Spectrum Auctions
Kristofer Shields,
Auctions Practice Lead,
10:15 – 11:00
Panel Discussion
Above speakers
11:00 – 11:20
Morning Break
11:20 – 12:55
ii. Incentive Auctions
The FCC is developing a novel plan for ‘incentive auctions’, designed to facilitate potential transfer of spectrum from broadcasters to mobile broadband operators. What progress has the FCC made in developing the auction design? Will two-sided auctions work in practice? Are they compatible with the broader public policy goals?
Richard Marsden,
Vice President,
11:20 – 11:35
Incentive Auctions - the FCC's progress to date
Evan Kwerel,
Senior Economic Advisor,
11:35 – 11:55
Incentive Auctions - two opposing views
Christopher Guttman-McCabe,
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs,
Jane Mago,
Executive Vice President and General Counsel,
National Association of Broadcasters
11:55 – 12:55
Round table discussion: Will the US proposals to use incentive auctions work? Could they be applied in other countries?
Lawrence M. Ausubel,
Power Auctions LLC
Jared Carlson,
Director, Industry and Government Relations,
Luis Lucatero,
Head of Regulatory,
La Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones (COFETEL)
12:55 – 14:05
14:05 – 16:30
VI. Spectrum Policy - What scope for global co-ordination?
Historically, there have been significant differences in approaches to spectrum allocation between the major world regions, with the USA and Europe leading the way. One downside of this has been the fragmentation of some commercial markets, such as handset provision for mobile telephony. Do new developments, such as the growth of wireless broadband and rise of China and India, presage greater fragmentation or new opportunities for integration and co-ordination of spectrum policy?
Ambassador David A. Gross,
Wiley Rein LLC
14:05 – 14:40
i. Co-ordination across the Americas
14:05 – 14:20
WRC12 - Issues for the Americas
Carmelo Rivera,
WRC-12 Regional Preparatory Group, CITEL
14:20 – 14:30
Is there an opportunity for deepening coordination of spectrum allocation across the Americas?
Mindel De la Torre,
Chief of International Bureau,
14:30 – 14:40
The view from Latin America
Jose Ayala,
Head of Government and Industry Relations, Latin America,
14:40 – 16:30
ii. Global co-ordination
14:40 – 14:50
Can Europe and the Americas coordinate spectrum policy more closely?
Beatrice Covassi,
Digital Agenda and ICT Counselor,
EU Delegation to the United States
14:50 – 15:00
The role of the ITU in facilitating global co-ordination
Alberto Mendez,
Chief of the Terrestrial Services Department, Radiocommunication Bureau,
International Telcommunication Union
15:00 – 15:10
The benefits of global coordination
Chris Pearson,
4G Americas
15:10 – 16:30
Panel discussion: What scope is there for further integration and co-ordination of spectrum allocation policy in the USA and across the Americas with global initiatives?
Speakers to be confirmed

Tue 18 October, 2011 08.30 to
Thu 20 October, 2011 17.30
The Mayflower Renaissance Washington
1127 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, District Of Columbia 20036 USA
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