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Please see below the final event programme for European Satellite Day 2014: 'Innovation, Evolution & Convergence: Ensuring access to next generation video anytime, anywhere & on any device'.


Thursday 20 November, 2014


09:30 – 10:00

Welcome Coffee and Registration

10:00 – 10:10

Welcome - Setting the Scene

Aarti Holla, Secretary General, ESOA
Guillaume Klossa, Public Affairs & Communication Director, EBU

10:10 – 10:20

Keynote Presentation

Roberto Viola, Deputy Director General, DG Connect, European Commission

10:20 – 11:50

Panel Discussion

Moderator: Paul Lee, Head of Research , Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Deloitte

Roberto Viola, Deputy Director General, DG Connect, European Commission
Michel de Rosen, Chairman, ESOA
Freenasp Mobedjina, Vice President, Group Strategy and Business Development, TeliaSonera
Ingrid Deltenre, Director General, EBU

11:50 – 12:00

Summing up and Conclusions

Sabine Verheyen, Member, European Parliament

12:00 – 13:30

Lunch and Reception (alongside 4K TV Demonstration)



Thursday 20 November, 2014
09.30 to 13.30




European Parliament (ASP-3E2)

B-1047 Brussels

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Forum Europe