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Please see below the full agenda for this year's summit.  To discuss speaking opportunities at our next IoT Global Summit please contact Tom Chinnock: +(44) 292 0783 025


Thursday October 6, 2016


08:00 – 08:45

Registration and Networking breakfast

08:45 – 10:05

Session 1: Opening Keynote Presentations

Moderator: Nigel Cameron, President and CEO, Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies

08:50 – 09:10

Keynote Presentation

Deb Fischer, Senator, United States Senate

09:10 – 09:30

Keynote Presentation

Bruce Andrews, Deputy Secretary, Department of Commerce

09:30 – 09:50

Keynote Presentation

Dean Brenner, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, Qualcomm

09:50 – 11:05

Session 2: The role of government in fostering the Internet of Things

The number of benefits and more crucially, the challenges, posed by the Internet of Things, have led different government agencies and departments around the world to begin exploring ways to respond. This session will bring together a range of stakeholders from the public and private sectors to explore the role that governments should play in fostering IoT. Specifically, participants will consider the current work that has been done over the past 12 months in the US and globally, including the Senate’s Bipartisan Bill in March, as well as the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Request for Comment (RFC) on IoT and its subsequent activities, and will discuss the role of the new Administration in helping to foster IoT.

- How best should policymakers engage in the Internet of Things ecosystem and what additional work needs to be done to encourage innovation?
- How important is coordination both between the US federal agencies and departments, and internationally with other countries for the overall success of IoT in the US and globally?
- Based on the above three questions and discussions in this session, what should the priorities be for the incoming Administration with respect to IoT?

Moderator: Marjory Blumenthal, Senior Policy Analyst, Director, Science, Technology and Policy, RAND Corporation

Dan Correa, Senior Advisor for Innovation Policy , White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Linda Kinney, Senior Advisor for Internet Policy, NTIA
José Gontijo, Director of Science, Technology and Digital Innovation, MCTI Brazil
Stephen Pattison, Vice President, Public Affairs, ARM
Geoff Lane, Director, Policy & Government Relations, Application Developers Alliance

11:05 – 11:25

Morning Networking Break and Exhibition

11:25 – 12:45

Session 3: Managing the ongoing spectrum and connectivity requirements for IoT

Managing the spectrum and connectivity requirements for the growing number
of connected devices is more important than ever, with ubiquitous and interoperable connectivity essential in order to deliver a sustainable IoT ecosystem. There are a number of different connectivity and technology options available but some people argue that some of them are not sufficient to help support these essential needs. This session will carefully consider this argument and the different solutions that are available. Focus will be given to finding the right technology mix to ensure the connectivity that is required, including discussions around 5G - seen by many as the industry’s key enabler. Drawing on the decisions taken at last year’s World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC-15) in Geneva as well as the FCC’s recent public consultation on 5G, the session will look at the extent to which 5G is likely to meet these high expectations, and the role in which other technologies and standards are likely to still have.

- What spectrum and connectivity options are available for IoT?
- How are the spectrum decisions taken at last year’s WRC-15 on candidate bands for 5G helping to accelerate IoT adoption? What developments have we seen since the Conference?
- How important will 5G be for the continued development of IoT globally?
- What do the results from the recent FCC’s consultation mean for IoT?
- How will Narrowband-IoT help to power future IoT needs?
- What role can other standards and solutions like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ingenu, LoRa and SIGFOX play in boosting widespread IoT adoption?
- What role can VHF spectrum play for forthcoming IoT applications? Can it help to encourage investment and innovation in new services and applications, especially those in rural and remote areas?
- What needs to be done to ensure a truly interoperable communications system for IoT?

Julius Knapp, Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, Federal Communications Commission
Geoff Mulligan, Chairman, LoRa Alliance
Matthew Jennings, President, Americas, Bosch Software Innovations
John Kuzin, Vice President and Regulatory Counsel , Qualcomm
Carl Povelites, Assistant Vice President Public Policy, AT&T
Ethan Lucarelli, Director, NA Legal Regulatory Affairs, Inmarsat


12:45 – 13:45

Networking Lunch and Exhibition

13:45 – 15:10

Session 4: – Tech Talks

Moderator: Paul Adamson, Chairman, Forum Global

13:45 – 14:10

Teck Talk - Title to be confirmed

Archana Vemulapalli, CTO, City of Washington, DC

14:10 – 14:35

Tech Talk – Fog Computing

Gary Butler, Founder, Chairman & CEO, Camgian Microsystems Corporation

14:35 – 15:00

Tech Talk – IoT and Consumer engagement

DJ Saul, CMO & Managing Director, iStrategyLabs

15:00 – 15:25

Tech Talk - IoT and next-generation 9-1-1

Trey Forgety, Director of Government Affairs, NENA

15:25 – 15:40

Afternoon Networking Break and Exhibition

15:40 – 17:00

Session 5: Business model innovation - The advantages and challenges of IoT for businesses

The Internet of Things has disrupted many different sectors in recent years. For example, the traditional ROI business model does not have the same kind of impact in the IoT space in the way that it does with traditional products. As a result, companies around the world are concentrating on refining their existing business models and establishing a series of new ones. There are a number of issues to be considered when tackling IoT business model innovation, however, including, understanding the different patterns underlying business models, as well as identifying the models that are suitable for different IoT applications. This session will explore the different benefits that companies and organizations gain by adopting IoT technologies and services. Participants will also look at the unique challenges that different companies face in the IoT space and the considerations that need to be had when thinking about business model innovation. Finally, this session will also consider the impact that IoT adoption can have on companies’ workforces and the role that the public sector can play in this space.

- What are the benefits of adopting IoT technologies for businesses, and what can we expect over the next 12 months?
- How are companies exploiting IoT to ensure they keep innovating and remain competitive?
- How are companies using IoT to redifine their business processes and create new business opportunities?
- What impact will the rapid growth of IoT have on different sectors?
- What are the reasons behind some companies and organisations not benefiting from IoT currently? What role can an organisation’s culture play?
- How does customer focused business model innovation compare to industrial B2B models?
- How can companies generate ongoing revenue streams and long-term value creation, rather than a typical one-time sales model?
- Can governments help businesses take advantage of IoT and ensure those companies remain competitive? What do these companies need from the public sector?
- What impact will this disruptive technology have on different countries’ workforces?
- How is IoT encouraging entrepreneurship, and what impact will this have on different sectors?

15:40 – 15:50

Introductory presentation - The IoT transformation journey for businesses

Rasmus Blom, Partner, Implement Consulting Group

15:50 – 17:00

In conversation with...

Moderator: Nigel Cameron, President and CEO, Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies

Scott Belcher, CEO, Telecommunications Industry Association
Kenya N. Wiley, Founder & CEO, Fashion Innovation Alliance
Ron Zink, Director, On-Board Applications, Deere & Company
Joseph McGuire, President & CEO, Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers

17:00 – 17:30

Fireside Chat

Dean Garfield, President and CEO, Information Technology Industry Council
Julie Brill, Partner and Co-Lead, Global Privacy and Cybersecurity Practice, Hogan Lovells
Jessica Rosenworcel, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission

Friday October 7, 2016


08:30 – 09:00

Networking breakfast

09:00 – 09:10

Video Presentation

Oscar Leon, Executive Secretary, Inter-American Telecommunication Commission CITEL

09:10 – 10:25

Session 6: IoT for Global Development

Last year more than 150 world leaders adopted the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to end poverty, fight inequality and tackle climate change by 2030. The UN, ITU and a range of industry and other government organizations strongly believe that the Internet of Things can offer opportunities to help meet these goals. This session will bring together different experts to identify the enormous benefits that IoT can have on the developing world, as well as, drawing on specific examples of the work that has been done to date. Participants will also discuss the enabling environment that is needed in different countries to fully maximise IoT, and based on this will offer recommendations as to how quickly IoT will be widely available in developing countries.

- What benefits can the Internet of Things bring to the developing world? What impact can the technologies and services have on healthcare, education, climate change and clean water for example?
- To what extent can the Internet of Things offer opportunities to help meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by the end of 2030?
- How accessible is IoT in the developing world currently?
- What kind of enabling environment is required? How can we meet the connectivity, standardization and investment requirements?
- To what extent will the basic mobile connectivity (2G, 3G) already available in over 95% of the developing world be sufficient for the different IoT needs?
- What can be done to help companies move easily from 2G to 4G?
- What are the main drivers that need to be supported for this IoT revolution in the Developing World?
- How quickly can IoT be available to people in the developing world?

Moderator: Nigel Cameron, President and CEO, Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies

09:10 – 09:20

How IoT is being used in the Developing World

JD Fouchard, CEO, AINMT

09:20 – 09:30

IoT and the fight against Ebola

Robert Baker, Lead Technologist, United States Agency for International Development

09:30 – 10:25

Interactive roundtable and room-wide discussion

Above speakers plus:

Muni Prabaharan, Global IoT Expert, Independent Researcher
Samia Melhem, Global Lead, Digital Development, World Bank
Chuck Moseley, Global Spectrum Regulatory Policy, ESOA

10:25 – 10:40

Morning Networking Break and Exhibition

10:40 – 11:00

Keynote Presentation

Terrell McSweeny, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission

11:00 – 12:25

Session 7: Harnessing IoT by positive security measures

Since last year’s summit, a number of vulnerabilities have been found in a wide range of IoT devices. The auto industry, home automation market and a number of medical devices have all been subject to worrisome hacks. In light of this, companies, together with policymakers, are working extremely hard to take the correct measures to prevent security breaches (including at the device and gateway level). This session will explore the nature of unauthorized access that we have seen in recent times and the work that is being done by the IoT community to combat these breaches. Participants will analyze whether we are moving quickly enough to fight the growing concerns of consumers, businesses and governments, and what additional work should be considered in order to avoid opening up a Pandora’s Box.

- What opportunities does the Internet of Things pose to cyber criminals?
- What are different stakeholders doing to raise awareness and protect against the security risks resulting from the growing interaction between technology and the physical world?
- Are we as a community moving quickly enough to fight the rising security concerns and vulnerabilities found in a wide range of IoT devices?
- What additional work needs to be done?
- Specifically, is this an area where government intervention should be considered more than other areas?

Moderator: Jonathan Litchman, Co-founder, The Providence Group

Ronald Ross, Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Chris Boyer, Assistant Vice President - Global Public Policy, AT&T
Srdjan Marinovic, Chief Technology Officer, Wireless Registry


12:25 – 13:25

Networking Lunch and Exhibition

13:25 – 14:50

Session 8: Privacy – How best to move forward

As more and more devices become connected, people’s concerns about their privacy increase. The issues concerning personal data and IoT privacy have been hotly debated for a number of years. The aim of this session however, is to take a progressive approach to the IoT privacy debate and identify ways that the stakeholder community can work together to ensure best practise. Participants will discuss the ways that industry players should comply and manage privacy without surprising consumers. Consideration will also be giving to the work that policymakers are doing to protect consumer privacy.

- How is the IoT stakeholder community preparing and dealing with the pace of change for IoT privacy?
- What are the main objectives for policymakers in protecting consumers’ data?
- What are the main privacy risks that businesses need to address and how are they managing these effectively?
- What recommendations have policymakers given to device manufacturers?
- What practical solutions are available to manage IoT data risk?
- How can companies and consumers better understand
- How can industry comply and manage privacy without surprising consumers?
- How should existing and future data protection laws apply to IoT?
- What impact will the agreed draft of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have on U.S. industry?
- How important is transparency and how challenging is it? Who will have access to the data generated by connected devices and for what purposes?

13:25 – 13:35

Introductory presentation

James Cooper, Associate Professor of Law; Program Director on Economics & Privacy, George Mason University

13:35 – 14:50

Interactive panel discussion

Moderator: Dan Caprio, Co-Founder, The Providence Group

Maneesha Mithal, Associate Director, Privacy and Identity Protection, Federal Trade Commission
Daniel Castro, Vice President , Information Technology & Innovation Foundation
Michelle De Mooy, Acting Director, Privacy & Data Project, Center for Democracy & Technology
John Verdi, Vice President of Policy, Future of Privacy Forum

14:50 – 15:00

In conclusion with

Moderator: Nigel Cameron, President and CEO, Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies



Thu October 6, 2016 08.30 to
Fri October 7, 2016 16.25

Eastern Standard Time



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DC 20037,
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