How to tackle efficiently undeclared work? Prevention versus punishment
As from 2007, undeclared work in Europe is commonly defined as any paid activities that are lawful as regards their nature but not declared to public authorities. The phenomenon mostly affects sectors such as construction, car repairs, domestic or industrial cleaning services, care and personal services, agriculture and catering industry. It causes serious damages to working conditions, quality of services, fair competition, innovation and public revenues. In Europe, an estimated €2.1 trillion of income is lost due to undeclared work annually.
Based on these facts, the 2012 European Employment Package emphasized the important job creation potential relying on the transformation of undeclared work into formal jobs. In 2014, the European Commission also proposed the creation of a European Platform to improve cooperation at EU level to prevent and deter undeclared work.
In that perspective, various approaches can be adopted by public authorities, with the support of multiple stakeholders (notably workers, employers, labour inspectors), to tackle undeclared work: from deterrence (by improving detection, inspection or punishing non-compliance and introducing penalties) to prevention (promoting compliance, enabling the legitimization) and curative measures (whitening undeclared work and bringing it in the formal market). Due to the complexity and the significance of the problem, interventions may combine these different methods to efficiently deal with it.
This tenth Policies and Practices’ session will focus on:
- The effects of existing measures to tackle undeclared work
- The introduction of the formalization of the black economy on the debate
- The possibilities at EU level to act in this field
Speakers addressing these issues include:
Professional Career and Political Responsibilities 1972 – 1974 – Researcher at the International Relations and Socialist Integration Institute – Sofia 1974 – 1976 – Expert at the Ministry of Foreign Trade 1976 – 1980 – Councilor at the Council of Ministers 1980 – 1989 – Vice Minister of Foreign Trade 1989 – 1990 – Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers 1990 – 2013 – Member of Parliament in the VII-th Grand National Assembly and in the 36-th to 41-st National Assemblies; - President of the 40-th National Assembly - Member of the Parliamentary Committees on Budget and Finance, on European Integration and on Foreign Policy and Defense - Member of the Parliamentary Delegations to the Parliamentary Assemblies of the Council of Europe (PACE), the OSCE, the WEU and NATO; - Member of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups with Austria, Vietnam, Russia, Slovakia, USA, France, the Czech Republic; - Representative of the 41-st National Assembly for the Institutionalization of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Process of Cooperation in South Eastern Europe (SEECP) 1995 – 1996 – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the first Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs from South Eastern Europe in Sofia, July 1996 1990 – 2013 - Member of the Leaderships of the Bulgarian Socialist Party and of the Parliamentary Group of the Coalition for Bulgaria - Chairman of the BSP Program Commission (2005 – 2009) 2014 - - Member of the European Parliament; Member of the Committees on Employment and Social Affairs and on Budget Control; Alternate Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism
Education 1962 – 1966 – English Language High-school, Sofia 1967 – 1972 – MA in International Economic Relations, University of National and World Economy, Sofia
Personal data Date and place of birth: Sept. 10, 1948; New York Married; two children, adults Languages: English, Russian, French |
Muriel Guin, Head of Unit, DG EMPL, European Commission |
Kerstin Howald, Secretary for the Tourism Sector with the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT) |
Friday 5 July, 2024
Virtual Event - Zoom