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View the programme for the pre-event workshop

View the programme for the main conference


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** indicates speech to be delivered via video presentation


Monday 18 June, 2012


13:15 – 17:00

Optional Pre-Conference Workshop - License Valuations and Auction Dynamics in the 4G Era

Co-ordinated by: Johanne Lemay & Robert K. Yates, Co-Presidents, Lemay-Yates Associates

13:15 - 13:45 Coffee and registration

13:45 - 14:30 Session 1: Introduction and discussion of approaches to assess needs for additional spectrum for individual carriers
A discussion of linkages between service quality objectives, subscriber metrics and customer segmentation and network deployment and spectrum needs. Discussion of the impacts of technology choice (LTE, TDD/FDD), cell splitting and WiFi. Discussion of quantitative examples translating customer mobile broadband demand into MHz needs.

14:30 - 15:00 Session 2: Impacts of auction design on values and implications for successful bidding strategies
Comparative overview of different auction designs (sealed bid, SMRA, CCA) – what differences are seen in each and how can this impact how much you pay?

A discussion of reserve prices, the role of spectrum caps or set-asides – what are the pro’s and con’s of these and their impact on prices paid during auctions? What are the implications when preparing for successful bidding?

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:45 Session 3: Comparing values seen in 4G-era licensing processes
An overview of the results of licensing processes comparing different countries & regions, and a comparison of spectrum values in different bands: digital dividend, 2.6 GHz, 1800 MHz, Advanced Wireless Services (AWS), other 2G/3G. A discussion of underlying drivers from market structure to auction design, and of the impacts of policy objectives and license conditions on valuation.

How can trade-offs between spectrum in different spectrum bands (for example, below and above 1 GHz) be assessed when preparing for a multi band spectrum auction?

16:45 - 17:00 Wrap-up & end of workshop

Tuesday 19 June, 2012


08:30 – 09:10

Coffee and Registration

09:10 – 10:35

I. Implementing Europe's Spectrum Policy Roadmap - The Next Steps

Gerry Oberst, Partner, Hogan Lovells

09:10 – 09:35

Keynote Presentation - The view of the RSPG

Roberto Viola, Secretary General, AGCOM; & Chairman, RSPG

09:35 – 10:00

Keynote Presentation - The view from industry

Jean-Pierre Bienaimé, SVP Strategy & Communications Wholesale, Orange & Chairman, UMTS Forum

10:00 – 10:25

Keynote Presentation - The view from the European Parliament

Gunnar Hökmark, MEP, Rapporteur for Radio Spectrum Policy Programme, European Parliament

10:25 – 10:35

Keynote Presentation - Delivering on the RSPP: A member state perspective

Ed Vaizey, MP, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, UK Government **

10:35 – 11:00

Refreshment & Networking Break

11:00 – 11:25

Keynote Presentation - Meeting the goals of the Radio Spectrum Policy Package

Neelie Kroes, Vice President and EU Commissioner for Digital Agenda, European Commission

11:25 – 13:00

Speed-Pitch Session: To what extent can we expect the RSPP to meet its objective of allowing the EU to “take the global lead” in new services & competitiveness?

Now that agreement has been reached on the RSPP, how can it be best insured that its goals of encouraging efficient spectrum management and use and allocating enough spectrum to support EU policy objectives are met? What implications will its implementation have for the various stakeholders? Has the RSPP delivered a future-proof spectrum roadmap for Europe? Where can we expect to be by 2015?

Each speaker will have 5 minutes to provide their thoughts, which will then be followed by an interactive debate (including the use of delegate voting pads) and question and answer session.

Speakers to include:

Adrian Grilli, Technical Advisor, European Utility Telecoms Council
Aarti Holla-Maini, Secretary General, ESOA
Daniel Pataki, Director, ETNO
Lasse Wieweg, Director, Government & Industry Relations, Ericsson
Hans Borgonjen, Senior Coordinator international standardisation , TETRA + Critical Communications Association (TCCA)
Lars Backlund, Chairman, Broadcast Europe Networks


13:00 – 14:00

Lunch, sponsored by QUALCOMM

14:00 – 15:40

II. Global spectrum policy & the changing shape of the telecoms landscape

Magnus Franklin, Journalist, MLEX

14:00 – 14:15

Keynote Presentation - What role can the ITU play in tackling spectrum shortages now and in the future?

François Rancy, Director, Radiocommunication Bureau, International Telecommunication Union

14:15 – 14:25

The perspective of a global operator

Simon Wilson, Head of Spectrum Policy, Telefónica, S.A.

14:25 – 14:35

The view of the RSPG

Eric Fournier, RSPG representative and Director of Spectrum Planning and International Affairs, ANFR

14:35 – 14:45

Indian Spectrum Policy & the Changing Telecom Landscape

Sudhir Gupta, Principal Advisor Spectrum Management, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)

14:45 – 14:55

The view from the United States

Julius Knapp, Chief, Office of Engineering & Technology, FCC

14:55 – 15:45

Discussion with this session’s speakers: How is the global spectrum landscape changing in light of the growing influence of developing nations such as China and India?

15:45 – 16:05

Refreshment & Networking Break

16:05 – 17:45

Breakout Sessions

Delegates now have the choice of attending one of the following two breakout sessions:

BREAKOUT SESSION 1: Matching Supply & Demand: What role for the spectrum inventory in ensuring the long-term health of the EU spectrum ecosystem?
BREAKOUT SESSION 2: Can spectrum auctions deliver universal access to next generation wireless broadband?

16:05 – 17:45

BREAKOUT SESSION 1: Matching Supply & Demand: What role for the spectrum inventory in ensuring the long-term health of the EU spectrum ecosystem?

The search for additional spectrum that could be released to support wireless broadband has focused attention on the difficulty of identifying how existing spectrum is used. This has led to calls at both European and national levels for an inventory to map spectrum use across all frequencies and regions. A similar initiative is proposed in the United States. This session will explore the case for a spectrum inventory, the practical challenges in mapping spectrum use, and the role that a functioning inventory could play in supporting EU policy objectives. In addition, it will discuss how to assess the spectrum needs of individual mobile carriers in order to contextualise the outputs of a spectrum inventory with the amount of MHZ that is expected to be required to fulfill mobile broadband demand.

Moderator: Andreas Geiss, Deputy Head of Unit for Spectrum Policy, European Commission

16:05 – 16:15 Introduction from moderator: The importance of a spectrum inventory

16:15 – 16:25 The challenges of mapping spectrum – perspective from France
Didier Chauveau, Head European Affairs, ANFR

16:25 – 16:35 Future capabilities of EFIS
Thomas Weber, Frequency Management, ECA & Satellites, ECO

16:35 – 16:45 How will the spectrum inventory promote efficiency and help to satisfy demand?
J. Scott Marcus, Director, WiK Consult

16:45 – 16:55 How much spectrum do mobile carriers really need?
Johanne Lemay, Co-President, Lemay Yates Associates

16:55 – 17:05 An industry perspective
Wassim Chourbaji, Chair of the spectrum working group, DIGITALEUROPE

17:05 – 17:45 Round table discussion

Andreas Geiss, Deputy Head of Unit, Radio Spectrum Policy, DG INFSO, European Commission
Didier Chauveau, Deputy Director of Spectrum Planning and International Affairs, ANFR
Johanne Lemay, Co-President, Lemay Yates Associates
J. Scott Marcus, Director, WiK Consult
Wassim Chourbaji, Chairman of the spectrum working group, DIGITALEUROPE
Thomas Weber, Frequency Management, ECA and Satellites, ECO

16:05 – 17:45

BREAKOUT SESSION 2: Can spectrum auctions deliver universal access to next generation wireless broadband?

In recent LTE auctions, many European countries have sought to adapt licence design and/or auction mechanisms to support national policy objectives for wireless broadband coverage. What are the different approaches that countries have adopted and how effective have they been so far? What impact did obligation have on auction outcomes, including prices, and what has been the impact on LTE roll-out so far? For countries that have not yet finalised their own award plans, especially those in Eastern Europe, what lessons can be drawn? Is there scope for additional co-ordination of spectrum auctions across borders?

Moderator: Soren Sorensen, Senior Consultant, NERA

16:05 – 16:15 Using spectrum auctions to support rural broadband coverage – an overview of European approaches
Soren Sorensen, Senior Consultant, NERA

16:15 – 16:25 Case Study: the Danish 4G auction
Finn Petersen, Deputy Director General, Danish Business Authority

16:25 – 16:35 Case Study: roll-out after the German 4G auction
Thomas Konschak, Senior Manager Spectrum Policy, Public & Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche Telekom

16:35 – 16:45 How much is a MHz? How coverage obligations affect auction prices
Marc Eschenberg, Manager, Aetha Consulting

16:45 – 16:55 Case Study: Romania
Catalin Marinescu, President, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM), Romania

16:55 – 17:45 Round table discussion

Finn Petersen, Deputy Director General, Danish Business Authority
Thomas Konschak, Senior Manager Spectrum Policy, Public & Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche Telekom
Marc Eschenburg, Manager, Aetha Consulting
Catalin Marinescu, President, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM), Romania

17:45 – 19:30

Networking Cocktail Reception, sponsored by MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC.

Wednesday 20 June, 2012


08:30 – 09:00

Coffee and Registration

08:55 – 12:40

IV. Finding solutions to the spectrum crunch

The term ‘spectrum crunch’ has been widely coined to describe a forthcoming shortage of radio spectrum to meet the demands from mobile broadband providers. With broadband seen as a key enabler of economic growth, both industry and policymakers are increasingly focused on finding solutions to the spectrum crunch. In today’s sessions, we will explore three different ways in which the crunch may be alleviated: (1) through the reallocation of frequencies; (2) through new technologies; and (3) through market mechanisms that promote efficient spectrum use.

09:00 – 10:50

i. To what extent can spectrum reallocation be used to meet increasing demand?


Amit Nagpal, Partner, Aetha Consulting

09:00 – 09:15

Introductory Presentation – What options are there for finding additional bandwidth and what are the benefits and options for each?

Richard Marsden, Vice President, Nera Economic Consulting

09:15 – 09:30

Are regulators moving fast enough to identify bands and are the correct choices being made?

Roberto Ercole, Senior Director, Spectrum Regulation, GSMA

09:30 – 09:40

Which future use(s) of the 1.4 GHz L-band would be the most beneficial for Europe?

Benoist Deschamps, Chairman, FM50 Project Team (Future use of the 1452-1492 MHz band), ECC

09:40 – 09:50

A solution provider perspective on how the 2300MHz band can help in reaching the RSPP objectives

Alessandro Casagni, Head of EU Wireless Regulatory Policy, Huawei

09:50 – 10:00

Could military spectrum play a part in helping to find a solution?

Gerard Lapierre, Radio Spectrum Project Officer, European Defence Agency

10:00 – 10:50

Panel Discussion

10:50 – 11:15

Refreshment & Networking Break

11:15 – 12:40

Roundtable discussion: Is there a need for a second Digital Dividend?

Given the recent outcomes of WRC-12 relating to the 700Mhz band, is a second Digital Dividend now an inevitability, or can other policy options, for example refarming of government spectrum, be sufficient in finding additional bandwidth? If it can, in which band should this be? Is the 700 MHz band the way forward? How would this line up with other 700 MHz bands around the world? Are there any alternative options, e.g. could Europe match up with a 600 MHz band in the USA? What impact will this have on DTT, especially given the original digital dividend has meant that that many DTT systems have already had to be re-planned once?

Each speaker will have 5 minutes to provide their thoughts, followed by a round-table discussion.


Amit Nagpal, Partner, Aetha Consulting
Tom Hazlett, Professor of Law & Economics, George Mason University
Pearse O'Donohue, Head of Unit, Radio Spectrum Policy, European Commission
Catherine Smadja, Head of Special Projects, Policy and Strategy, BBC
Bashir Gwandu, Executive Commissioner, Nigerian Communications Commission
Miguel Pellon, Vice President of Research, Chief Technology Office, Motorola Solutions
Andy Hudson, Head of Spectrum Policy, Vodafone Group


12:40 – 13:45

Lunch, sponsored by QUALCOMM

13:45 – 15:30

iii. Technology Solutions to the Spectrum Crunch

One of the main factors in the spectrum crunch is the need for fuel to meet consumer demand in today’s technology driven society. At the same time however technological developments could have a big part to play in solving the problem. What new technologies will have the biggest part to play in alleviating the squeeze on spectrum, either by providing an alternative to mobile spectrum or increasing the efficiency of wireless broadband? What is the current status with regards to the development of a mandate for software defined radio and cognitive radio relating to commercial, public safety and defence users? What benefits may a consistent and standardized approach to the development of these technologies have for each group? How are technologies such as LTE expected to evolve over the next few years, and what effect will this have? What role can satellite technologies play in increasing the efficiency of broadband access?


William Webb, Chief Technology Officer, Neul

13:45 – 13:55

Beyond Wireless Broadband: Meeting spectrum requirements for future applications

Janette Stewart, Senior Manager, Analysys Mason

13:55 – 14:05

Cognitive Radio & SDR - what benefits for a standardised approach?

Peter Pitsch, Associate General Counsel and Executive Director of Communications Policy, Intel Corporation

14:05 – 14:15

Increasing the efficiency of wireless broadband: spectrum sharing technologies

Jussi Kähtävä, Director, Technology Policy, Nokia

14:15 – 14:25

lightRadio: A new wireless technology for the efficient use of spectrum

Cengiz Evci, Director, European Spectrum Policy, Alcatel-Lucent

14:25 – 14:35

How Satellite becomes Hybrid

Cécil Ameil, Senior Manager European Affairs, SES

14:35 – 14:45

A commercial perspective - meeting consumer demand

Luis Filipe Girao, Head of Unit, Mechanical, Electrical and Telecom Equipment, DG ENTR, European Commission

14:45 – 15:30

Panel Discussion

15:30 – 15:45

Refreshment & Networking Break

15:45 – 17:30

iv. Market solutions to the spectrum crunch

Which policy tools are available to policymakers in order to incentivise the release of spectrum and encourage efficient use? Which approach is better – the carrot or the stick? To what extent should the Commission get involved in providing structure and encouraging consistency across member states?


Chris Doyle, Economist, Apex Economics

15:45 – 16:00

Incentive auctions in the U.S.

Julius Knapp, Chief, Office of Engineering & Technology, FCC

16:00 – 16:10

Case Study: To what extent has the use of incentive pricing in the UK proved successful?

Chris Woolford, Director of International Spectrum Policy, Ofcom

16:10 – 16:20

Incentive pricing – the operator’s perspective

Inge Hansen, Head of Spectrum, Everything Everywhere

16:20 – 16:30

Authorised Shared Access – a viable alternative to traditional market models of licenced and unlicenced spectrum?

Antonio Nicita, Associate Professor of Economic Policy, University of Siena, Italy

16:30 – 16:40

Taking account of social value in market mechanisms

Peter Goulding, Public Safety Specialist, Motorola Solutions

16:40 – 17:25

Panel Discussion

17:25 – 17:30

Conference Summary & End of Conference

Sponsors of this event



Mon 18 June, 2012 13.15 to
Wed 20 June, 2012 17.30




The Management Centre Europe

Rue de l'Aqueduc 118

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Post-Conference Report



Organised by Forum Europe