Please note that speakers still to be confirmed are indicated with a *
Tuesday 20 March, 2012
08:30 – 09:00
Registration and Welcome Coffee
Dan Baxter,
Senior Vice-President & Partner,
Fleishman Hillard
09:00 – 09:25
The view from the European Commission
Daniel Calleja Crespo,
DG Enterprise and Industry, European Commission
09:25 – 09:40
What scope for transatlantic co-operation in raw materials strategies?
Thomas White,
Deputy Chief of Mission,
US Mission to the EU
09:40 – 10:05
Linking Raw Materials, Green Growth and European Competitiveness
Adrian Harris,
Orgalime, Chair, Alliance for a Competitive European Industry
10:05 – 10:30
Morning Coffee Break
10:30 – 12:25
Raw Materials for Green Growth – Addressing supply risks and increasing resource efficiency. What has been achieved?
In January 2011 the European Commission released its review of its Raw Materials Initiative, setting out targeted measures to secure and improve access to Raw Materials for the EU. One year on, what progress has been made? Is further action required to ensure greater Raw Materials governance and co-operation at both EU and member state level, and what role is there for the proposed Raw Materials Innovation Partnership? In line with the 3rd pillar of the Raw Materials Initiative which recommends boosting recycling, substitution and efficiency in Raw Material use, how will the European Commission’s “Roadmap to a resource Efficient Economy” set the scene for increased growth and industrial competitiveness through the creation of a resource efficient economy?
Moderator: (tbc)
10:30 – 10:50
Keynote Presentation
Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker,
Co-Chair, International Resource Panel,
10:55 – 12:25
Panel Discussion
Gwenole Cozigou,
Director, Metals, Mechanical, Electrical and Construction Industries; Raw Materials,
DG ENTR, European Commission
Kevin Bradley,
Nickel Institute
Reinhard Bütikofer MEP,
Raw Materials Initiative
Göran Bäckblom,
Vice President Public Affairs,
LKAB Group
Volker Steinbach,
German Mineral Resources Agency
12:25 – 13:35
Lunch Break
13:35 – 15:25
Sustainable resource use and the low carbon economy
The development of low carbon technologies, such as those relating to renewable energy and sustainable transport are necessary to ensure that C02 emissions reduction targets are met. But as many of these are dependent on raw materials, how can conflict between dematerialisation and the development of a successful Low Carbon Economy be avoided? What life-cycle based indicators are needed to monitor the success of decoupling efforts, and how best should these be used? How can the political and practical measures proposed in European Commission’s communications on Raw Materials and Resource Efficiency safeguard access to the material requirements of a competitive green economy? What role can “Urban Mining” and other methods of increasing recycling play?
Raymond Van Ermen,
Executive Director,
European Partners for the Environment
13:35 – 15:25
Panel Discussion
Réne Kleijn,
Assistant Professor,
Leiden University
Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy MEP,
Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe
Teresa Presas,
Director General,
Guy Thiran,
Director General,
13:35 – 13:55
Keynote Presentation
Karl Falkenberg,
Director General,
DG Environment, European Commission
15:25 – 15:45
Afternoon Coffee Break
15:45 – 17:25
An interdependent world – global trade, co-operation and development for raw materials
All the materials required for use in Europe can be found within its borders – either in economic deposits, in waste-streams or stocks in use, but trade has always been necessary to ensure a continuous supply of Raw Materials for any particular region’s industries. In light of increasing competition and rising prices, what can be done to strengthen trade agreements and extend Raw Materials diplomacy, whilst remaining committed to environmental best practice and development? Should the EU invest further in the developing world’s extraction industry, and can wider partnerships be forged with the developing world in order to share geological knowledge, update infrastructure and prevent mineral conflicts? With the Raw Materials Initiative advocating an increase in supply from within Europe’s borders, what can be done to foster further resource exploration, and will an increase in “backyard extraction” require a softening of environmental standards, particularly relating to Natura 2000 sites? Is there a need for the WTO to take a stronger stance on export restrictions in supply countries, and what role is there for the “risk-radar” taskforce, proposed recently by MEPs to identify market distortion and increasing resource prices?
Peter Borkey,
Environment Directorate,
15:45 – 16:00
Keynote Presentation
Amb. Jun Yamada,
Deputy Chief of Mission,
Mission of Japan to the EU
16:00 – 16:15
Keynote Presentation
Achille Bassilekin,
Assistant Secretary General and Head of the Sustainable Economic Development & Trade Department,
ACP Group
16:15 – 17:25
Panel Discussion
Richard Morgan,
International Government Relations Advisor,
Anglo American
Jose Correia Nunes,
Head of Unit, Economic Analysis, Public Finance and Budget support,
DG DEVCO, European Commission
Guillermo Valles,
Director, Division on International Trade in Goods and Services and Commodities,
Luciano Mazza de Andrade,
Head of the Trade and Economic Section,
Mission of Brazil to the EU
Tuesday 20 March, 2012
08.30 to 17.40
Boulevard de Waterloo 38 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 504 33 35
Fax: +32 2 504 33 50