Wednesday 19 April, 2017
08:30 – 09:00
Breakfast, Networking and Registration
09:00 – 09:05
Welcome address- setting the scene for the two days
Rob Van Kranenburg
09:05 – 09:30
Keynote presentation - View from the European Commission
Khalil Rouhana
Deputy Director-General, DG CONNECT ,
European Commission
09:30 – 10:45
Interactive discussion - delivering the European IoT ecosystem
Each speaker will answer 3 key questions regarding the state of IoT in Europe. After each question the audience will provide their responses, which will then be followed by an interactive discussion.
The idea of this session is to promote discussion and to find ways that the IoT community can work together.
- What are sufficient policy actions that the European Commission could take in order to enable a single market for IoT?
- What is the role of open platforms and standards in the creation of a thriving IoT ecosystem in Europe?
- What are necessary steps in order to increase the trust of users / consumers in IoT?
Nigel Cameron
Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies
Mechthild Rohen
Head of Unit Internet of Things, DG CONNECT,
European Commission
Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl
Director General,
Robert MacDougall
Chair, Working Group 4 - Policy Issues,
Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI)
10:45 – 11:10
Morning networking and refreshment break
11:10 – 12:55
Urban IoT – the future of Smart Cities in Europe
According to recent figures from the European Environment Agency and European Commission, around 75% of Europe’s population lives in urban areas and this figure is set to rise rapidly over the next decade. As a result of growing urbanization in Europe there are a number of key issues that we need to address, such as traffic congestion, increased pollution and over population. IoT technologies and solutions can play a pivotal role in overcoming these issues. This session will bring together a variety of stakeholders, including subject matter experts, city and national government representatives, as well as industry players to discuss smart city development in Europe. Participants are encouraged to offer solutions about ways that city officials and governments can work closely with industry in order to maximize the future of European smart cities.
• How are IoT technologies having a positive impact on everyday life in European cities and what impact will they have on the future development of smart cities in Europe?
• How is the technology tackling the problems associated with ongoing urbanization?
• What role are policymakers playing overall and how are they helping to align different priorities for stakeholders?
• To what extent has the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities and the work of groups such as AIOTI, contributed to the success of smart city development in Europe?
• What connectivity solutions are most suitable for smart cities?
• Will future infrastructure designs need to be proactive rather than reactive in order to be truly sustainable?
• What resources are needed for wide scale smart city deployment in Europe in the future?
• How do changes in industries such as Energy and Transport fit in with wider smart city deployment?
• To what extent are European cities as ‘smart’ as cities in other regions?
The aim is to make this session as interactive as possible and audience members are encouraged to contribute to the discussions. At the start of the session each speaker will have 5 minutes to provide some opening remarks. Following this, the session’s moderator will open up the discussion by posing questions to the speakers, and in turn followed by questions from the floor.
Nikolaos Kontinakis
Senior Projects Coordinator,
11:10 – 11:25
Case Study: Amsterdam
Ger Baron
Chief Innovation Officer,
City of Amsterdam
11:25 – 11:40
Case Study: Barcelona
Francesca Bria
Chief Technology & Digital Innovation Officer,
Barcelona City Council
11:40 – 12:55
Interactive panel discussion
Wilfried Grommen
Chief Technologist Public Sector EMEA,
Kyriakos Baxevanidis
Deputy Head of Unit, Smart Mobility and Living, DG CONNECT,
European Commission
Ger Baron
Chief Innovation Officer,
City of Amsterdam
Francesca Bria
Chief Technology & Digital Innovation Officer,
Barcelona City Council
Representative *
12:55 – 13:55
Networking lunch
13:55 – 15:20
Strengthening trust, personal data protection and privacy
The benefits offered by data generated from a range of IoT applications for business and the wider public have been well documented in recent years. However, consumer trust in data collection services is fundamental for the widespread rollout of these applications. According to a recent Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF) Global Consumer Survey (April 2016), consumer acceptance was low. This session will bring together different stakeholders to discuss the ways to balance privacy with wider commercial and public benefits. It will analyse the recent work by the European Commission, AIOTI and EU member states with respect to data legislation and privacy principles for IoT.
• What are the main privacy concerns for the Internet of Things?
• How can policymakers and industry players create more trust in the IoT technologies that consumers are using?
• Are the EU’s privacy principles for IoT fit for purpose? Will they ensure consumers feel more confident? How must policymakers ensure that innovation is not hampered by heavy procedures?
• How will the European Commission’s Data Economy communication support IoT development in Europe and will a lack of consumer confidence hinder its objectives?
• To what extent will the Commission’s proposed ‘IoT Trust Label’ help with transparency and ultimately increase people’s trust? Should other options be considered?
• How does the IoT complicate product liability? Is there a need to reform current liability rules to accommodate the Internet of Things?
Dan Caprio
Co-founder ,
The Providence Group
Pearse O'Donohue
Acting Director, Future Networks, DG Connect,
European Commission
Jeremy Rollison
Director of EU Government Affairs,
Mike Glenn
Vice President-Global Cybersecurity,
Achim Klabunde
Head of Sector IT Policy,
European Data Protection Supervisor
15:20 – 15:45
Afternoon networking break
15:45 – 17:10
Addressing the Security Challenges of the Internet of Things
The continued proliferation of interconnected devices, automated machines and sensors creating huge amount of data have a considerable impact on the overall ‘attack surface’ of connected networks, making IoT systems both possible attack targets and cyber weapons. In the wake of recent cyber attacks or incidents threatening the information technology systems that support critical and non-critical infrastructures, there is a continual need for industry players, policy-makers and national government to work together and deliver a collective response to address the security vulnerabilities related to the Internet of Things. Moving away from specific security requirements of connected devices, this session will look at the bigger picture regarding the security implications of IoT and at meeting the collective responsibility of us all to ensure the security of both critical and non-critical infrastructures.
• What is currently being done by public and private sectors to address key IoT security issues, especially in the context of a growing Industrial Internet? What examples of successful PPPs have been seen, and what role can working together in this way play?
• What are the unique security implications and challenges created by different IoT applications on various critical infrastructures, and how can stakeholders work together to ensure these are being addressed?
• What differences and similarities are there among the security requirements for various sectors and applications? What solutions are being presented for harmonisation and standardisation?
• Which new innovations will help with the analysis and management of future cyber threats and ensure end-to-end security?
• What role does the NIS Directive and other EU policy initiatives have to play in this, and what should the key aims and priorities be for the review of the Cyber Security Strategy, which is due later this year?
Jonathan Litchman
The Providence Group
Steve Purser
Head of Core Operations,
Luigi Rebuffi
Secretary General,
European Cyber Security Organisation
Ilias Chantzos
Senior Director, Government Affairs EMEA & APJ,
Duncan Botting
European Utility and Telecom Council
Pierre Noel
Enterprise Chief Security & Privacy Officer,
17:15 – 19:00
THE IoT HUB- Networking reception and IoT Showcase (Powered by IoTBE)
Time to network, engage and connect; plus a dedicated space to hear from some of the innovators, entrepreneurs and StartUps on the products that are driving forward the future of IoT.
Thursday 20 April, 2017
08:30 – 09:00
Welcome and refreshments
09:00 – 10:40
Tech Talks
Each Tech Talk will run for 20 mins, which will then be followed by an interactive Q&A session with the session’s moderator.
Nigel Cameron
Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies
09:00 – 09:25
Tech Talk: Securing the Internet of Things
Jan Neutze
Cyber Director,
EMEA, Microsoft
09:25 – 09:50
Tech Talk: Cutting Energy Cost and carbon footprint with IoT
Damon Hart-Davis
09:50 – 10:15
Tech Talk: What blockchain means for you, and the Internet of Things
Dominik Schiener
10:15 – 10:40
Tech Talk: 'Standardisation- Who Needs It?'
Mikkel Christian Sørensen
10:40 – 11:00
Morning networking break
11:00 – 12:15
IoT and the future of work
One of the targets set out in the European Commission’s 2020 strategy is to increase employment between 20-64 year olds to 75% in Europe. It is argued that the Internet of Things could have a positive and negative impact on these targets. Demand for workers with IoT and digital skills is rapidly increasing and as a direct result, a number of organisations are creating many new roles, which all have a positive impact on the Commission’ employment targets. The positive impact of IoT technology and services on production time and efficiency has also been well documented. However, there are genuine concerns that this technology will replace human labour in certain cases and thus make a number of jobs redundant. This session will examine this very important issue in detail and explore the future positive and negative impact of the IoT on the labour market in Europe, giving particular focus on the anticipated polarization of jobs and the employment targets set out in the Europe 2020 strategy. Participants are encouraged to share their views with the speakers of this session and suggest tentative ways that stakeholders can help prepare the workforce for this change and achieve the most positive outcomes.
- How many new jobs will the Internet of Things create by 2020?
- What types of new roles and teams are already being created and what is driving this change?
- What can be done to ensure that the estimated 760,000 ICT vacancies by 2020 (EC) can be filled and how can we harness the opportunities that the IoT presents? What role can education systems, media, employers and parents play?
- Will new IoT technologies make certain jobs redundant and what can be done to soften this burden and avoid a new digital divide?
- How can policymakers ensure that employers have the necessary resources in place to ensure that the time it takes to retrain workers is as short as possible, and neither the employee nor employer are significantly impacted?
- What short and long-term effects will the anticipated polarization of jobs have on the European workforce?
- If the correct steps are not taken, are we destined for a world without work and even technological singularity?
Nigel Cameron
Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies
11:00 – 11:15
A world without work?
Nigel Cameron
Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies
11:15 – 12:15
Interactive discussion
Egbert-Jan Sol
Field Labs Smart Industry,,
Thiebaut Weber
Confederal Secretary responsible for Digitisation,
European Trade Union Confederation
Holger Kunze
Director ,
VDMA, Europe
Hans Similon
Head of Digital Northern Europe,
Adecco Group
12:15 – 13:15
Networking lunch
13:15 – 14:40
New business models for the evolving IoT ecosystem
IoT significantly impacts the way companies across all sectors operate and do business. The ‘IoT disruption’ that we have witnessed in recent years means that in order to generate value and remain competitive, companies are moving away from traditional business models and towards more creative and innovative ways of working. However, as the IoT ecosystem evolves over time, it is argued that companies and organisations will have to once again rethink the way they do business in order to stay ahead of the curve. This session will examine how the ‘early winners’ in IoT achieved success and the business models that they have used. Participants will discuss the disruptive nature of IoT in general and identify any trends that may emerge over time. The session will also analyse the steps companies will need to take now in order to prepare for further disruption, and discuss whether there could be a new set of ‘winners’. Crucially, the session will explore the importance of cross-cutting business models, and the role of policymakers in contributing to a friendly environment where these can flourish.
Who have been the ‘early winners’ in IoT and how sustainable are the business
models that have been seen so far?
- How can companies adjust to the change in focus that is emerging of IoT being viewed as a business ecosystem rather than primarily as a technology platfom?
- What challenges and opportunities are likely to emerge in light of ongoing innovation?
- How best can companies prepare for further IoT disruption and ensure a future-proof business model?
- What role can policymakers play and in which areas (if any) will a new policy framework be required?
- How important are cross-cutting business models in ensuring the successful and sustainable growth of IoT technologies?
Rob Van Kranenburg
13:15 – 13:30
Introductory presentation: Cross-Cutting Business Models for IoT
Bruno Mommens
IOT & M2M Solution Lead,
Deleware Consulting
13:30 – 13:45
Presentation: The role of policymakers
Szabolcs Szekacs
Policy Officer,
DG Grow, European Commission
13:45 – 14:00
Karabet Krikorian
Head of WEU IoT & Industry 4.0 Solution Innovation, WEU Solutions Management,
14:00 – 14:15
Case Study: The Future of Fashion Tech
Kenya Wiley
Founder and CEO ,
The Fashion innovation Alliance
14:15 – 14:40
Panel Discussion
14:40 – 14:55
Afternoon networking break
14:55 – 15:10
IoT Connectivity in other regions: The Indian Perspective
Anil Kaushal
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
15:10 – 16:35
Building the future internet of Things with new network technologies
There are a range of connectivity solutions that help to power the Internet of Things. Recently there has been a growing debate between stakeholders about the role of proprietary Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies operating in the unlicensed spectrum bands, such as LoRa and Sigfox. The impact of NB-IoT has also entered the debate recently, along with the wider benefits associated with 5G. This session will explore the value of these different network technologies and identify the right mix in order to maximise the full impact of IoT in Europe. Participants are also encouraged to discuss the specific impact that 5G will likely have on European societies and businesses. We will explore the current work that is being done by different stakeholders to prepare for the 5G world and the role of the EU in the global development of 5G.
• What network technologies currently support IoT development in Europe?
• What new, disruptive technologies and solutions are emerging and how are these technologies expected to evolve in the future?
• What role can Low Power Wide Area Networks play?
• What advantages do proprietary network technologies operating in unlicensed spectrum bands, such as LoRa and Sigfox offer?
• What impact will NB-IoT have on the IoT market?
• What role with other technologies such as WiFi and satellite play and what will be the right technology mix to deliver the required quality of service and connectivity for IoT?
• What makes 5G particularly appealing for IoT and how can IoT stakeholders prepare for the 5G world?
Andreas Geiss
Head of Unit Spectrum Policy, DG CONNECT,
European Commission
15:10 – 16:35
Interactive Panel Discussion
Henk Bruijns
Strategist and Chief Technologist EMEA,
Stephen Pattison
Vice President Public Affairs,
ARM Holdings
Adrian Scrase
Head of Mobile Competence Centre, 3GPP; & CTO, ETSI,
Fernando Llobregat
Director Sigfox Operator Community,
Rajesh Suseelan
Global Network and Services Policy,
16:35 – 16:45
Closing remarks
Nigel Cameron
Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies
Rob Van Kranenburg